In the Greek myth, Icarus flew too close to the sun; the wax on his wings melted, and he fell to his death. In the Great War, the last pilot of Icarus Company is stuck waiting for extraction above an enemy force thirsty for blood. If he can dodge their plasma fire for long enough, he lives. If not, he plunges to a grisly death. Icarus is a modified version of Infection, in which one person spawns next to a Falcon above the playing field. There's a soft kill zone to force him to get in, and a soft safe zone around him to stop him going too far away. If he survives for three minutes, he gets five points, and lives for another day. Everyone else spawns below, with infinite plasma pistols and regular jetpacks. If they can tag the Falcon, it'll fall to earth through a killzone and net two points for the shooter. Five rounds for now, although this and the points system might be tweaked based on feedback. 5-9 players because any more than eight on the ground and it gets too hard for the pilot, and any fewer than four, it's too easy. Action shots! A loadout camera: Another loadout camera, showing the whole map (the island isn't playable, only the top surface of the structure):
There's a soft kill zone on the floating platform, so he can't just stand there forever. If he hovers above it, you can go to the edges of the main stage and keep hitting him with plasma to force him back into it. He can't get onto the lower platform because of the kill zone in between.