UnderWater (Beta)

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by JustHayden, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. JustHayden

    JustHayden Forerunner

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    UnderWater Beta

    The title speaks for itself, i found a way outside the map ( i actually discovered it on my own) and found a small area underwater were you dont drown and theres no out of boundry countdown. while underwater gameplay is different than other maps like rockets and other explosive weapons sink when you shoot, vehicles are harder to control and sometimes float, grenade launcher shots explode on impact and dead bodys float. Ive put grids down for the floor which makes it easyer to see underwater.

    Heres some pictures:


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    #1 JustHayden, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  2. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    Hey, it's cool that you found it but it's already been done. But that doesn't mean you can't make a map over there. Also if you make the FX really dark you can see better underwater. Check out the map Water to see the effects. I like though how you added the rocks and buildings. Next you should try making a half underwater competitive or minigame map.
    #2 Dulden, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  3. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    anyways, the map looks pretty cool, except there isn't much going on by the looks of things. seems you added a building piece and a couple rocks. Considering this is Forgehub i think you need to forge a little more. theres nothing really to this map besides the fact that its underwater, and your not the only person to do this. so i think it would be a lot better if you added more cover or an upper level for example.
  4. Forgetacular

    Forgetacular Forerunner

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    What would make it even cooler(my opinion), would be to make a top level above water. That way you Could use any weapon you'd like. And,cause it's bugging me,where is the spot you made the map on at?(has nothing to do with me wanting to build a map there)
  5. JustHayden

    JustHayden Forerunner

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    ya i know of the map "deepest liveable water" that has about 40k dls exept mine was made 6 days before it..

    ya i was thinking that thats why i made my map just a beta
  6. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It's outside of the Forge world boundaries, that's why you can be completely underwater. To get there you either use teleporters are do a glitch with the grid to fly yourself out.
  7. Exon12

    Exon12 Forerunner

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    your link is broken...
  8. PowerSpartanl99

    PowerSpartanl99 Forerunner

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    It has potential. Perhaps make underwater bases? Also, the spawning is messed up. Whenever I play with more than myself we spawn in the collesium. Please fix that.

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