Introduction Let's get this straight. Infection is either hit or miss. Most of time people spend playing Infection is on maps that weren't designed for it. I'm sorry, but playing Save One Bullet on Swordbase ain't my cup o' tea. I believe Infection is only fun when you're playing on a map specifically built from the ground up for Infection. That is why I made this map. Infection can be fun. It can be really fun. About the Map When I set out to design the map, I had one basic idea; to make a laboratory with a vent system that allowed the zombies to move around the map in a sneaky fashion. I wanted to add many features that made this map unique and memorable. I added things like the passage way and the weapon room to give the players something to remember the map for. Perhaps the most fun part of the map is the ending, where an electric bridge spawns, and takes you across a catwalk towards an awaiting Falcon. As you and your surviving teammates pile in ASAP, the zombies have one last chance to stop you from getting away. If you do get away, you have about one minute to fly to the Safe Zone. Get to it, and you receive some bonus points and some self sense of accomplishment on the side. If you find yourself stuck in a glass tube in the beginning, then you my friend are the object of study. The scientists can look and study you for a good 30 or so seconds, that is, until the fan is turn on and you escape via the air current! Instantly you are shot up through the ceiling and out of site of the scientists. You are now free to roam the vents as you please, and drop down on any unsuspecting victims! Below are some pictures to help you get a feel for the map:
To start, this map looks pretty nice, forging on it looks smooth and flawless, and the whole theme of the map looks intriguing. How is the gameplay on the map? Well, I guess I just have to download it and find out. I'll edit this post with some more feedback once I am able to get online. - Vincent [iiNFamous452]
First impression of this map is that this map is amazing. The gameplay sounds good and looks like its a map to go back to time and time agian. I'm downloading now and I will post exactly what I think after me and some of my friends give it a play. Mike