Silo Attack

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by drlgamer, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. drlgamer

    drlgamer Forerunner

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    Silo Attack is about the elites attacking a Rocket Silo. The elites must capture 1 of 2 hills in the first phase to drop the shields to get to the second phase. They have to do the same thing in phase 2 to get to phase 3. In phase 3, it is a core transport objective.

    Phase 1 - Elites spawn on the beach end of hemorrhage behind the cover of rocks. There are two hills In between the beach and the first big wall separating phase 1 and 2. Each one is in a small "security checkpoint". There are 2 Needle Rifles for the elites to pick up behind a couple of the rocks while the spartans have a DMR to pick up at each hill. -- The Spartans spawn behind the two shield doors in the big wall. The Spawns for each team is about equal distance to the objectives.



    Phase 2 - After the elites finish phase 1 they spawn at the 2 "checkpoints". Elite Fireteams 1 & 2 spawn on the right side while 3 spawns on the left. The Spartans spawn near the 2nd big wall separating phase 2 from 3. The 2 hills are on top of separate towers in the middle of the 2 big walls. The smaller tower on the right can be reached by a teleporter in the base or a gravity lift in the back. The Larger tower on the left can be reached by a ramp leading to 2 teleporters which bring you to the top of the tower. There is a central tower connecting the 2 towers by bridges. It can be accessed by a teleprter at its base.


    Phase 3 - After the elites finish phase 2 they will spawn close to the second big wall or can spawn back at the beach where they can get into a ghost, revenant, or wraith tank. The Spartans spawn to the left of the Rocket site and can get into a warthog or a rocket hog. The core spawns in a building to the right of the Rocket site. From there the core can be brought up 1 of 2 ramps. The ramp closest to the building has the most cover but is the longest route. The other ramp that is to the left of the Rocket site is the shortest but requires you to get close to the spartan teams. The capture point is on a platform a couple levels up on the right side of the Rocket. There is a building close to the 2nd big wall that has as ramp that passes close to the 1st ramp which you can jump off onto.


    My video of the map being played YouTube - Halo Reach: Silo Attack Invasion Map

    I hope you enjoy my first heavily worked on Invasion Map.
    #1 drlgamer, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  2. Arlight

    Arlight Forerunner

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    You need screenshots of the map or the thread will get locked in 24 hours.
  3. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    looks great!very simple map, has a good chance for matchmaking. better chance than others because this seems very toned down and well placed. but i can already see that the spartans need a scorpion tank to counter the wraith. 2 vehicles against one is not fair
  4. drlgamer

    drlgamer Forerunner

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    There is a rocket hog and the spartans can spawn with grenade launchers - a charged blast will act like an EMP and shut down the wraith. The wraith only has a little bit of movement space so it won't be over powering. A scorpion would be a little OP though.

    Edited by merge:

    If you guys ee anything that concerns you about the map let me know. I have gone through and tested the map with others before and nothing has come up. I have gone through testing things like jump distances and distance covering speed for both races. If there is anything, let me know.
    #4 drlgamer, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  5. PistolxTotin

    PistolxTotin Forerunner

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    WOW! Great map my friend. My homies and they posse love playing this map!

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