First time posting here so I hope I'm doing it right. This is my remake of the Halo 2 map Lockout and the Halo 3 map Blackout. All the jumps that you could make in blackout are easily made here as well. Only excepting is the jump to the sniper spawn which can only be made with a crouch jump. A few changes have been made to the weapon layout to match Reach. A grenade launcher was added to the main platform and a plasma repeater was added instead of a spiker. At the moment I'm working on a version 2.0 of this map to include all game types as well as add better looking asthetics. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Please Download and enjoy. Uploaded with Uploaded with Uploaded with Uploaded with Uploaded with
Thanks. I really need some advice on the sniper tower. I think thats the hardest part of the map. Other than that my V2 of the map is almost done.
Hey, just wanted to say that this is the best Lockout remake my friends and I have played. A few of the jumps are a little messed up (BR tower to sword platform mostly) but in terms of aesthetics and playability I've found that Knockout takes the cake. This remake is SO good that when I brought it to a LAN, a few of my buds called me up later and asked me why their copy of Reach didn't have Lockout - they confused YOUR remake with an official Bungie map! I actually registered this account just to let you know since this map hasn't gotten a lot of feedback it looks like.
Thanks for the feedback on the map, I'm not sure about the jump from top br to sword though. I'll have to pop in Halo 3 and take a look at it. I have realized though that my map is just a remake of blackout rather than lockout. I also just hit 100 downloads not to long ago so hopefully it'll keep going up. Still working a v2 version and a Orbital remake.
I cant believe this map hasn't got more downloads, it whoops everyones lockout/blackouts... I just dont get it. I think we did a pretty good job on Orbital, and I'm glad its gotten 2800 downloads, but this map should have done WAY better. I guess I think that because I love blackout lol. Idk, this map should have won over II MAKY II or whatever, by FAR.
Well the first reason it probably hasn't got as many downloads as you would like is because the competition for Lockout remakes is fierce. I've seen 5 of them myself at least. (Two were more accurate than your remake too btw). The second reason you don't have more downloads may be because there are other Lockout remakes out there that are more accurate like I said above. Thats not saying your version is necessarily bad, I'm just saying there are more accurate remakes out there. So improving the accuracy of your remake may help to increase the number of downloads you get. Aiming for remaking Lockout rather than Blackout will also increase this map's popularity, because generally everyone preferred Lockout to Blackout even though there were only slight changes made from one to the next really in my opinion. Another reason could be your location. I have only seen 2 Lockout remakes not located above the Lagoon, so the location isn't unique. I think the Lagoon is one of the best 2 locations personally, the other being way out just floating in the sky, but the downside is that it makes your map less unique. Instead of people thinking "That's a good Lockout remake," they are more likely to think "Another Lockout remake by the waterfalls???" The main suggestion I have for you is to improve the accuracy. One picture can't be too accurate because I couldn't even figure out which part of Lockout its supposed to be; I'm guessing the Shotgun spawn room near the lift. And the elbow from the lift room to the sniper tower is way off. Its pretty different than Lockout or Blackout. Its shorter and closer in or something, I'm not sure exactly what really. Also did you put tags on the map? Tagging your map will help get more downloads as well if you didn't do that. Good luck with the map! I'm going to check out your Orbital remake sometime. (And that got way more downloads because there are way less Orbital remakes out there to compete with than Lockout remakes btw).
I knew why it didn't get many downloads. Lockout/blackout maps are everywhere now. I'm not really worried about it. I prefered blackout to lockout, IDK why but I did.
What do you call more acurate? The people claiming 1:1 scale? (the scale has to be a little different because Reach spartans have less jumping ability, so 1:1 = not good) Which are maps that are a pain to play because the jumps are all off... Do you know anyones map that you can jump from the top of red-shoot-platform to the corner ramp going to BR 2? Or jump from the same BR 2 ramp down to the lower ramp platform above shotgun tunnel? Those are two jumps that every map I've been on has left out, because you could do both of those on Blackout... The other maps I've tried left out the jump from the center of the map to BR 3. and on alot of them you couldnt even jump from center platform to sniper. And on one of the maps I was on, you couldn't even look straight through the map from BR 1 to Sniper 1, guess he tried too hard tp get the elbow ramp just right because of all the complaints and it ruined the map... You might ask, "Why are the jumps so important?" because they make blackout blackout, without them you have a completely different map called "Piece of Crap".