Welcome to the release of KHDuck Hunt (KH is a logo I will use for my maps, first two letters of my nickname) The game is my interpretation on how duck hunt should be played on reach. I don't have much of a description though, duck hunt is about a sniper trying to shoot ducks running through a obstacle course. Your objective is to avoid range of the sniper while completing the course, if completed without dying, you are awarded the ability to kill the sniper with the guns of your choosing, there are armor abilities across the map (evade being hidden as easter eggs, evade is the powerup you will want most. Pics (A bit small, srry): Must be played with KHDuck Hunt Have Fun and Enjoy! GT: Khaos Consumes Btw, does anyone know if once someone downloads my map/gametype, can I remove it from my fileshare and will it still stay on bnet for downloads? Or will it be removed entirely? thanks
I think you'll have to search for it on Bnet after you remove it... at least that's what I did for several of my H3 maps. It could be different for the site update though.
I thought this map was very good actually however there were a few flaws, team killing really annoyed me and would happen alot at the start where someone would just spray with the pistol and also the zombie can be killed with the pistol at long range which kind of defeats the purpose of reaching the end. Both these problems can probably be solved by replacing the pistol with a plasma pistol but other than this i really like this map
If you remove the map from your file share, the link will not work. Happened to two of my other maps...gotta make a link from the Bnet forums
I think the only way is to put the zombie kill to 10 points. Then have the round be worth 10 points. The round will end once someone gets the 10 points for killing the zombie. It's a compromise, but it's Bungie fault for ruining the Infection game options.
The rules are: everybody must stand at the same side or there must be 1 player alive. So just you make the ducks zombies and the sniper a human. Because if all the ducks are dead the sniper is the only living player and if the sniper get killed he will become a zombie.
But you don't know with how many people you will be playing so you can't set the initial zombie count right?