I am a newb to forge hub, but I need some help getting a map or two tested for the forgetacular contest. I am usually on during the day time and would like to add anyone to my friends list who is willing to help test and also get their maps tested. I am usually available until around 6 or 7 pm (PST) on the weekdays (I don't play much on the weekends), and have plenty of time for forging/testing. Thanks alot, m00f
Hey m00f, Welcome to Forgehub, glad you could make it here and hope you enjoy what this community has to offer. However your thread is slightly in the wrong area and you would get a better response over in the TRC area of the forum. It has a forum specific for community games including requests for tests. Also you could go to the Testers Guild and, given that you follow the rules there, have your map tested by a community of people who will give you feed back directly. Worth a check. Again Welcome to the Hub! Feel free to introduce yourself in the Introductions section.
HEy I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I could've sworn the Forgetacular contest was over submission-wise.
Oh lolz my bad. And I was all rushing the other day trying to finish my map. I fail so hard. Well back to the drawing board lolz.