Bunker is a two-team map centered on a structure built in the Quarry area of Forge World. The building consists of three levels. The lower level has four entrances - the round bunkers at either end, or two doors located in the middle of the building. The lowest floor of the bunker is a series of rooms offering entrances and exits for quick escapes while providing cover to prevent the level from becoming a pair of large firing lanes between the blue and red sides of the base. The second level is a more open environment. There is one separate room centrally located along the back wall with a murder-hole down to the level below. Directly across from this room is another exterior exit with a ramp up to the roof. Both sides of the wide open floor have exits onto the tops of their respective circular bunkers as well as ramps downstairs to the first floor. Anyone with a jetpack can also make a quick exit via the force-field windows. (Though you might want to watch out for anybody dropping in from the floor above as well.) Feel free to take cover behind the crates, but you might want to mind the fusion coils stacked nearby. Behind the building, a pair of ramps lead up to a platform and another ramp to the building's roof. The exterior of the building can be traversed on all sides, but step with caution - it's got wider firing lanes than the interior easily provides. The only better firing lanes are on the roof - the third level of the structure. Crenelated cover offers some respite, but you can easily sight from one end of the roof to the other. Bunker has the following weapons: DMR x 3 Shotgun x 2 Frag Grenade x 4 Needle Rifle x 2 Plasma Pistol x 1 Spiker x 2 Needler x 2 Concussion Rifle x 1 Gravity Hammer x 1 Rocket Launcher x 1 Sniper Rifle x 2 The map is set up for Capture the Flag, Assault and Stockpile games as well as Team and FFA Slayer. The power weapons are laid out centrally to give both red and blue teams a fair chance to reach them (except the Snipers which are laid out on each side of the map.) I've tried to build the map with a coherent structure as well as an eye to keeping either side of the map from having a clear advantage over the other. It was a pleasure building this map, and I'm eager to get some feedback. You can download bunker at Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Thanks for your time!
Thanks to the folks that helped me give Bunker it's first test. I'm reviewing the game film as well as playing around with the suggestions I was offered. I'm looking forward to giving the updated version a run-through.