The newer version is here... The spartans must retreive vital information from the covenant cruiser. THIS MAP IS MADE FOR LARGE INVASION (BEST PLAYED WITH 16 PLAYERS BUT STILL WORKS WITH 10) New map with fixed features OVER 5000 DOWNLOADS!!! Plays with Covenant Cruiser Invasion gametype If the pics do not work the map is in a set with all the pics, gametype, and a video showing the gameplay of the game.(video was a beta for the map and all problems in the video have been fixed...) This map is made for invasion and invasion slayer. In the playout of the game the spartans spawn at their base and must go to the middle of the valley to take the point of the spirt or the shade turents. (3 minutes) Once they have done this they must go up the main gravlift or fly to one of the shuttle bays to capture one of the shuttle bays. (5 minutes) After that the spatans must then go to the command bridge to retrieve the vital battle info and return it to the spartan's base.(5 minutes) The elites will spawn in the cargo bay and must spread out to defend the different objectives.
The cruiser looks epic but I'm not so sure how great this map would be game play wise. I'll play it and see what it's like. Either way, great aesthetics man.
thanks...Ive played it about 5 times and everyone loved the long as you have enough people your good! ( do you delete the ealier version???) [br][/br]Edited by merge: I havent test invasion slayer yet...but invasion was amazing
I just finished messing around on this map with a friend. Great job! It's just too bad I'll probably never get a chance to play it with more than a few people.
i played this with a game of 12 people and it played very poorly, the spawns are set up in places where it takes to long to figure out where to go. and the spartans are under equipped and always win the first two rounds(slight debate on the second) and then on the last round after i captured the hangars i got lost in the ship trying to get to the core and everyone else did too. and one time i died with the core under the spirit and it was impossible to move it because of all the vehicles there. this is unfortunate because the map looks awesome. i am not stating opinions i am just stating my gameplay experiences. it just takes too long to get places and the falcons dont respawn if they arent destroyed
What are the chances of 2 people doing similar map in same place lol. like your cruser makes mine look lame.... back to the drawing board. was making mine as you published yours... but I never seen yours till now. looks a good map.
Core distance The core carrying distance is too great. It wouldn't be bad if vehicles could transport the core, but the walk uninterupted takes about half of the round. There should be a more obvious route to get to the core. The elites spawn in only 1 location and to get anywhere in the ship they have to go through a long open hallway which can be easily camped by DMRs or Needle Rifles. The Idea is very good; the only real issue is the distance to carry the core. Maybe have a small forward base closer to the ship like a landing pad in between the cliffs with the water. I have seen some other maps who have the core carried half of the length of forgeworld before. >:-O
My idea is to make a base near the cruiser and make it the capture place for the core. Just my suggestion.
Anime halo, great map man. Aesthetically, this is very impressive, which explains why it's been so wildly popular. 6000+ downloads? I envy you. My concern was that it wouldn't play as well as it looked, but I was pleasantly surprised. You DO need quite a few people to make it interesting, but with 12 or more people, this map is pretty epic. I would definitely recommend it.
thanks for the comments! at first there was meant to be a spawn point in the hangers for the elites in certain rounds...dont know what happened there... second there are teleporters throughout teh ship to help the elites get to the ground if they need to get there(check the spirt and the cargo bay(cargo bay is for veichle transportation only) for the telportors... third there are several routes fir the spartans to make it to there base(there are teleportors and the main lift to get to the bridge to the spartans base. Also you can use the flacons to transport the core to the base) when I played the map I did 8 on 8 which is best suited for the map...