Banana. Make everything yellow. /troll I think map naming is something that should be done once the map is finished. So as to name it based on appearance. Name off the build, don't build off a name lol
I would have to say cheezburger, because I have no idea what your map is so anything I say is absolutely useless. Take the time to post a picture of your map instead of making a thread of nothing.
For making titles for anything it's always good to remember to use words that sound nice, there is some phonetic theory but I can't recall it now but here's what I do know: Same vowel/consonant sounds are pleasing to the human ear, anything else is like dissonance, like a wrong note played. This is why it sounds so much better to rhyme words.
It's funny, a lot of sci fi/futuristic sounding names are typically based off historical names (often mythology) or foreign languages (latin), and also phonetic alphabet (alpha, bravo, sierra...) And if I had some idea of what your map looked like, I could help a little more. Packeranatic has a good idea with the phonetic theory, i don't remember it either. and just so I give you one name: celestial station - celestial refers to sky/stars
I should infract most of you for spam, even OP. You should give us some pictures or the maps basic philosophy, otherwise you'll get names like these. Provide us with more information