Hello, I have made a map, an Invasion map, I have been working hard to make this and I am finally ready to share the map with the community. I have been working and play testing this map for quite a while now, so I think it is time the community had a chance to test it. I will be submitting this map in the forgetacular contest when I am sure it has been perfected. be sure to play 6 vs. 6, if it is not 6 vs. 6, the map will not play as well, I have done this for a reason, please don't leave any gameplay criticism unless you have played 6 vs. 6, no more no less Description: an idea I had for the second level of a Halo 4 I thought up, the point is that you have crash landed on another Halo ring, Installation 06, hence the name, and it is your job to make it past the covenant, infiltrate their defenses, and activate a homing beacon Phase 1: Spartans get 2 loadouts, one with sprint, AR, and PP, and one with AL, Grenade Launcher and Pistol. There is also a Turret to the side of a spawn point. They must capture the territory inside the canyon. Elites get no real weapons, just a plasma repeater, and 3 ghosts and 3 banshees (the teleporter is for the ghosts only), and it is their job to stop them, you have 10 minutes. Elite Spawn Phase 1 Spartan Spawn Phases 1 and 2 (no vehicles Phase 1) pictures from Phase 1: Phase 2: Elites lose banshees (no way to delete it, just please destroy it if you have one), Spartans and Elites gain Ghosts and revenants, both teams lose their loadouts and are replaced with more conventional loudouts. Spartans have to make their way across the canyon and capture the elite blockade, Elites have to stop them. Their are 2 outposts along the way, both have power weapons and elite can spawn on one of them. You have 10 minutes. Elite Optional Spawn Phase 2, Spartan Optional Spawn Phase 3 (The Blockade) Pictures from Phase 2: Phase 3: Elites spawn at the bottom of the cave at the communications facility. Spartans spawn where the Elites spawned in Phase 2, both teams now have wraiths. the cave and com facility are littered with weapons and power weapons. Spartans have to make it to the top of the facility, grab the core and take it back down. it's not as had as you would think as the core doesn't respawn. you have 10 minutes, afterwords teams switch for another round. Elite Spawn Phase 3 (The Communications Facility) I hope you enjoy this map and please leave my some constructive criticism for the final version. Map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Gametype:Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details know bugs: Death Barrier isn't low enough, Teleporter spits you out backwards. (these will by fixed in the final version.) Thank You
why do the humans get wraiths, covi should only get covi weapons, humans should only get human. and phase 1 seems unfair, 6 spartans havong to fight a team of bansheas and ghosts. but it might not.......
1. it goes with the story, plus it doesn't effect gameplay. 2. it actually is quite fair, you just....die a lot, I have playtested it at LEAST 15 times, and only once did the elites win the first phase, and that was only because we didn't have enough people