So I was thinking we could have a thread that showcased our personal "That was frickin AWESOME" games. I looked in the recent threads and didn't see anything similar SWAT MAGNUMS 10.28.2010 Me and my best friend were playing a SWAT magnums match on Sword Base and the other 2 guys on our team dropped out. We stuck together and managed to win 50 to 21. One of my favorite moments of the game... we managed to get to the corner near the red lift and figured it'd be a good place to hold our ground. We were dead wrong, but we put up an awesome last stand. Needless to say, we were pretty pumped up after this
Lolz don't you hate it when you go like 50 views and no one replys. Anyways I had a few ridiculous Zombie games recently. I might put a video/screen shot up and a more detailed description later. But I love making that epic last stand in the middle of the map as a bunch of people a converging upon you.
Mine would have to be my first perfection in Reach, team doubles on sword base we went 26-0 (Partner ran in front of one of my stickys and got stuck) I got 20/26 kills. I have a video of it on my fileshare.
I was in a team slayer game where the three randoms on my team quit quickly after the other team built up a fast lead, I hung in there and tactically moved around the map (boardwalk) picking off the other team, two of them quit I assume out of frustration or impatience, and I eventually won the game by a kill in the last minute. I hate quitting, and I love the challenge of being outnumbered, just typing this has given me an idea to make a map for such a gametype, 2 vs 4+ or something
My best so far in reach was the first time my little bro and I played team doubles. We got to 14-0 before one of the other team killed us. So much fun stats are here i got a perfection in big team, but it was with the tank so it wasn't really that special. just good shelling
My best games were very hard for me to choose from, my second game online, I went 18-0 in Snipers, but for some reason they didn't giveme my Perfection Medal. Last, my other best game, tied for first, was when I went 50-2 or something like that, it was the best feeling ever.
My best game was in swat, I went +26, and held the other team to 22 kills : Reach : Game Details : Reach : Game Details One of the best that I can think of right now, but probably not the best. Both our team mates quite, but we still managed to win.
Legit 4v4 custom game of Team Slayer on an amazing Lockout remake. I got a perfection. Felt proud but wished I could do it in matchmaking.
WE were playing Elite Slayer I think or some sort of slayer on Hemorrhage, and I was going 12-0 I believe. I was raping until out of nowhere *BOOM* I get headshot. Luckily for me though a second after someone quit, so that death didn't count on me for some reason. I later go on to get my perfection.
Probably a game in the beta of invasion my first game i had no idea of the map i felt so lost not knowing anything or what our objective was i saw a half dead tank idk where it came from so i just got in it for safety cause i didn't know what else to do. Got like 15 Kilimanjaro thing like a 30 kill spree sitting in tank shooting randomly at bad guys was good cause it was all luck and i didn't know what i was doing but even if i tried that know i couldn't do it when i wanted.
I won a game of Invasion Slayer on Boneyard with 100-58. It were 3 Elites(including me) against double the amount of Spartans (six). They got pwnd.
The outnumbered victory really is the sweetest of all.... I love those. I get all douchey like a jock. YEAHHHH! YOU SUCK!! you can really say it, mean it, know it. I mean, 2:1 and you lose????? : Reach : Game Details Just played my first game of the day after coming home from work and got in Muti-Team-Crazy King-Sword Base 38 kills. 4 killing sprees 2 sword sprees 21 beatdowns ... and my first Hail to the King medal Evade + Sword = Epic Then I follow it up with a game of Elite Slayer on Sword Base with a horrible partner. He was someone's 2nd guest account and this kid probably spent more time firing at me than killing other players. Horrible game for me. : Reach : Game Details My greatest ever sniper game. 32 kills, 6 Deaths. Two killing frenzies, one sharpshooter. : Halo Reach : File Details Invincible. I died ONCE. ONCE. I could have gotten another perfection.