WWE Royal Rumble

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Hippie Gamer, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. Hippie Gamer

    Hippie Gamer Forerunner

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    Welcome All!
    This is a map i created that emulates a real Royal Rumble match. As a kid i always loved these kinds of matches. I spent about 2 days creating the "arena" and even longer trying to come up with a gametype. At first the map had no ring and it was more of a gladiator sword fight game. But that got boring. So then i came up with the idea of a wrestling ring and from there i wanted to create the Royal Rumble.

    What is a Royal Rumble?

    A Royal Rumble is a 30 man over the top rope match. 4 wrestlers start in the ring and every 30 seconds a new wrestlers joins them. A wrestler is eliminated when both feet touch the floor after he goes over the top rope. Last man standing wins.

    How is this incorporated in Halo?
    This game type supports 16 players. 5 Players spawn inside the ring, while the remaining 11 Players spawn in their cell.

    Every 10 seconds a teleporter appears in a random cell that teleports the player to the entrance ramp.


    Im inside the ring, Now how do i throw my opponent over the rope?
    You throw your oponent over the rope by shooting him over it with your Concussion Rifle
    Once a player goes over the rope and touches the ground, he dies

    Around the time the 11th player enters the ring a KOTH box goes around the ring so that the last man standing can get his points for being the last one.

    Extra info
    - 0 damage and 0 melee
    - Sprint
    - 110 speed,75 jump, 50 gravity
    - There are powerups on the ramp so that you dont undershoot/overshoot the ring when you use the mancannon
    - Shields to prevent people inside the ring to shoot at the people on the ramp.

    More Pics:
  2. Megadoug

    Megadoug Forerunner

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    This is extremely cool. I remember when I used to play the WWF/E games on PS2, and this was really fun. I like how you made the players get added to the ring. This looks pretty accurate to the real thing. By the way, I like what you did to the entrance screen thingy. Dling. :D
  3. Hippie Gamer

    Hippie Gamer Forerunner

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    Thanks, i wanted to do Pyros for the initial camera loadout but decided that would be a lityle complicated (blocking them) and also i didnt want any chance of the explosives falling on someone

    LETHAL BLOW Forerunner

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    I love the smell of fresh and creative games/gametypes :D The Arena is really well forged, and looks exactly like a wrestling arena. And the game screen adds a nice touch to the map. I will go do a couple of games on it, when some friends log on :D
  5. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very original idea and aesthetically great too. It is fun however you have a huge advantage if you don't come in to the ring until near the end, but still, it is great fun if you're not playing serious.
  6. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I like WWE and I like the look of this mini game so I'm honestly gonna give you best help I can.

    I'm not sure how the spawning every one 30secs works havn't downloaded it yet but I'm sure it works but how do your Force people to go into the ring? because you don't want any honor rules :p like can they just sit in there room and not come out? or stand on the ramp and not go on the man cannons? For the ramp you could put a 10sec death barrier to force people to leave into the ring. Also if you want some firework explosions when someone starts to walk down ring you can use trip mines and set one to fall on anther one every 30seconds(? or time it to when people get on ramp) but away enough to not hurt them and will only explode when next person comes out. get it ? :p

    Haven't played it yet but seems like you could sit in the corner and not be able to get knocked out hope it doesn't but just looks like it could(if they do you could put a little grav lift underground or something to lift them a tiny bit just so there higher and could get pushed out), also could people have gravity hammers as well to give it a melee element?(only problem i see with that is they could be to over powering if so leave it as concussion rifles :p)

    @Dralthi "It is fun however you have a huge advantage if you don't come in to the ring until near the end" More like a disadvantage been in the ring at the start. Just like a real Royal Rumble ;)
    #6 WWWilliam, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  7. Hippie Gamer

    Hippie Gamer Forerunner

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    Thanks for your feedback, i am happy to tell you there are no honor rules needed :).
    i DID in fact put a 10 second barrier when you get teleported to the entrance, THEN i put powerups in the opening so that you ALWAYS GET THEM NO MATTER WHAT (the powerups make you slow,heavy,and doesnt let you jump for 3 seconds). which is why i put a mancannon to shoot you down the ramp to the other mancannons where you AGAIN ALWAYS GET THE POWERUPS NO MATTER WHAT (this way you dont overshoot or undershoot the ring.)

    as far as sitting on the corner is concerned, someone could try that but the player gravity is set to 50% so 1 shot and he can be sent up to the air, that's why you have to be moving around constantly. I played with the idea of gravity hammers but i found them ineffective they dont shoot the player upwards

    thanks, and BTW i agree it is a disadvantage to be first/ advantage to be last, but thats how it is in a real rumble. and BTW each round you will spawn in a different cell so everyone has the chance to try to endure through it all or sweep up the mess at the end (if you're good)
  8. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Your welcome :), You thought of almost everything :p, I played a game 1v1 because game description says 2-16 players (even though royal rumble usually only played with max amount of people but i see your going for a wider market)

    Few problems when teleporting into the walkway sometimes i was facing wrong way and got confused which way only just made it in with 2/3secs left and i have 10 sensitivity i could see people with low sensitivity not been able to turn fast enough and dieing idk 100% how teleporters work yet but i think you can face them certain ways to make them come out facing the right way, even though there's no clear physical arrow like in halo 3 i think its still there for receivers and senders)

    Also the spawning for 1v1 we could both spawn in the cells and have no one initially in the ring or just one of us, it never came up both in the ring at the start Because we weren't on a team so they spawned us away from each other, not spawning us at the closest initial spawn points(the ones in the ring).
    This would be a problem playing any less than 16 because most people would be spawning in the cells and 12 or less players every one could spawn in cells but this can be fixed.

    Keep the 4 initial spawn points in the ring but change the initial spawn points in the cells into respawn points.
    Explanation:The 4 initial spawn points in the ring would act as initial spawn points right? so if theirs 1,2,3 or 4 players they would all spawn in ring no matter what, so you ask but if there's more than 4 players :O!? that's why you changed the ones in the cell to respawn points they act as back up initial spawn points if the initial spawn points are overflowing the respawn points will act as a initial spawn point for the initial spawn but continue to act as a respawn point later in game(but that doesn't bother you because every one has one life :p)

    One more little detail you could change the custom power ups to "Fixed" on the ramp and make them a little neater and horizontally lined up If you can't get them neat move the ramp set them in place them "Phase" the ramp into the custom power ups and the rails of the ramp also i could jump on the rails and skip the custom power ups so could lift them up a little :p , You don't need 3 in the door way would look better just having 2 and perfectly vertically lined up In my opinion. Just some things to to make it look like a professional map :p.

    But to be honest if you don't wanna change it meaning having to reset download counter its fine the way it is plays good and is fun :) just some stuff if you wanted to change it and make it little bit better.
    (if you do you could add that trip mine fireworks :p)

    Edit: just remembered 1v1 most times we didn't even last long enough to get the hill to spawn so was just round after round of fighting without end. :S idk how to fix that one yet.
    #8 WWWilliam, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  9. Siegery

    Siegery Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    4/5 man

    This is an extremely fun game to play, we had 16 boys yesterday battling out for invisible shots at the wwe title haha.

    (Unfortunately one of our boys 'Rage quit' because he thought "Everyone is going for him") Haha.

    It was an absolutely superb game, it works very well, the only thing you could or should improve upon is the aesthetics, you can make it look alot prettier

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