
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Titmar, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Gastropod is a symmetrical 2 base Team Slayer and Multi Flag map.
    The map is designed to be a forerunner power generation type of facility,
    driven by the massive turbine device that also serves as the centerpiece of the map.

    Gastropod supports other gametypes, but is meant to be played with Team Slayer and Multi Flag moreso than others, hence why not as much attention has been focused upon other gametypes.

    Gastropod is a CTF map that requires strategy to win. Because of the map's design, gameplay is funneled through the central area above the turbine's wheel. Players simply cannot resist taking the shortest path to their objective.
    Playing this way can often result in a stalemate, unless the attacking team forms a decent strategy to alternate carrying and defense as they fight the flag back across the central area.

    An alternate strategy is to take the "long way around" the map. By travelling the outer pathways of the map, players gain access to power weapons, and also escape from the heavy combat centralized in the middle. It is possible for a single player to make a capture, while his team continues to fight in the middle of the map, serving as a distraction.

    There are also multiple tactical jumps that are intentionally built into the design that I hope players will find and utilize. I have depicted one of the more important jumps in the post, but there are a couple other sneaky ones that you might find during a game!! Especially in the small rooms ;)

    This map has been in development since the release of Reach, and is my first competitive map that I've completed for Reach. It has undergone extensive and repetitive testing by members of the Forge Hub Colored Names society and also the Testers Guild. Small problems that were found by the TG have been addressed to the best of my ability. This bastard has sat on my hard-drive for long enough, its time to release him into the public's angry maw.

    Thanks to everyone who helped test this and gave feedback throughout its journey.
    Special thanks to:
    Smeagleton (for help with map design)
    Rusty Eagle (for pointers on the redesign)

    Weapon List:
    8x DMR
    2x Shotgun
    2x Sniper
    2x Needle Rifle
    2x Needler
    2x Plasma Pistola
    1x Rocket Lawn Chair
    1x Banhammer

    Rockets spawn bottom mid.
    Sniper spawns in the elevated platform of each base.
    Hammer spawns in the back room.
    Shotguns spawn on the back path on each side.
    Needlers spawn by the small rooms for each side.
    Needle rifle spawns on the walkways.
    DMRs are everywhere.

    Map Overview:
    on the upper left and upper right sides are the opposing bases.
    as mentioned before, the design is symmetrical.


    The Central Area:




    Looking at Blue Base:


    Looking out from Blue Base:



    Looking down the "back way around"


    Back Room: (hammer spawn)


    Tactical Lift at each base:


    Tactical Jump into base:


    Well, that's about it. Hope you all enjoy this map, I sure have enjoyed designing it
    and I'm glad its finally over so I can focus more on my current projects!!


    V2 Update: 11/16/10
    changes made:
    center rock made smoother to ascend for red team.
    "streetlight" structures at each base simplified.
    sniper rifle moved to spawn beneath "streetlights."
    #1 Titmar, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Not bad at all. I will be looking forward to the games I can manage to get in on for this. I am really impressed by the water mill wheel. Completely original and memorable. I wish more people would take the time to make something new instead of mass producing the same aesthetics.

    I'll give'r a download and come back once I manage to get a good solid feel for the map.
  3. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    You really do have a unique forging style. And I have to say that Reach's large forge palette and budget suit your map making skills much more than Halo 3 ever did.

    Visually this map reminds me of The Pit from Halo 3 mixed with Hang em High from Halo CE. I don't know if you took any inspiration from them or not, but that was the initial "vibe" I got from running around the map. I look forward to playing some games on this map. 4v4 looks like the sweet spot on this one.
  4. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I love this map not only for it's incredibly unique aesthetics, but because it played a lot of gametypes very well. I will say that it definitely plays symmetric games better. Neutral assault was good, but multi-flag and slayer was where this map really shined. I get the feeling Stockpile would be fun as well, but I'm not sure if it's set up or not.

    By the way, all the changes you made to the bases were for the better, as the final version ran much smoother than the first one I tested.
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Thanks a lot.
    Yeah, the original version had bases that were way too strong and didnt have enough routes of access. The entire sides of the map were redesigned from the ground up.

    I believe Stockpile is set up, but its untested.
    If there's a demand, I will update to support as necessary.

    and thanks for the compliments about my forging style.
    its good to know that i have one at least, haha, too many maps nowadays all look the same.
  6. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool water-mill bro!!! lol

    You guys out yonder should definitely give this one a lookin. This guy definitely knows how to make something incomparable, yet already known deep in your heart (lolwut). What I mean is it doesn't attempt to masquerade itself around as something mildly confusing and/or impossible to be played correctly by everyone, yet it has the architecture it needs to promote exceptional gameplay. It draws on everything that works for Halo and is designed around what players do naturally in given situations.

    Although the testing I did with you wasn't on the most recent and finished version, you don't seem to have changed what worked from the sreenies, so I'll assume it plays mostly the same and even better, so that's saying a lot.

    5/5 stars!!!1! Cool map bro! Interlox are too easy!!
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Yea the things that got changed from the original version were side areas that connect into the middle. The overall height of the bases was dropped down to ground level, and simplified to be more competitively sound and have multiple points of access.

    Thanks for the comment, and thanks for the watermill lol.
  8. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is one of my favorites from you, ****.. it's one of my favorite competive maps that has spawned from Reach so far. The map is very well balanced and my games were always so dead-even, which kept the action and excitment throughout the whole experience until you hear the relaxing "Game Over." The rock in the center of the main base-to-base path provided the perfect amount of cover, that lone rock has saved me countless times and has taken bastardly one-shot kills from me. I think my favorite gametype to play on Gastropod is MultiFlag, the flags are inching across the map as you fend off the mass army of opposing spartans. This map is truely great, I loved testing it as I loved all your other works.
  9. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Wow, thanks for the glowing review.
    Yeah that rock kinda just "happened" during the forging process
    and I decided to keep it for the exact reasons that you love it.

    Its funny sometimes how things like that work out during the forging of a map.

    The flags do have to inch across the map,
    but thats usually when you take them down that path!
    Try capturing by taking the long way around, we had a game once where someone snuck 2 captures past us by being a sneaky bastard like that.
  10. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Titmar you have an ever so secure spot among the few forgers that never cease to amaze me. As soon as I can find the time to get some customs, I can't wait to bust this one out. By the way this is one of the few, if not the only map that uses water in a sensible way. So yes, rock solid post dude. The map is visually stunning and knowing your maps I don't doubt what you said about strategic gameplay. Your work is much appreciated.
  11. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. That was my main focus with the center structure,
    getting it to actually feel like its *something*

    i started this map back when the game first released, and the whole water thing had just been realized.
    but i didnt want to just have a random creek in the middle of the map.
    thanks to the help of Smeagle with the design of the water wheel to add to the dish pieces,
    we were able to get the feel of that area down right.

    Thanks again for the good comment, and yes i think you will like the gameplay.

    Edited by merge:

    Gastropod has been updated to a V2 with some minor changes:

    please re-download the map if you are a fan,
    or check it out for the first time if you havent seen it!
    #11 Titmar, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  12. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Aah, I didn't realize your maps were posted.

    I think I got in a sub-optimal test game on this one once (wrong party size), but I enjoyed running around on the map. The jumps are pretty well thought out, and I love the water-wheel... also.

    In any case, you sure do know how to use these new forge pieces to your advantage. Very interesting geometry. I'm sure I'll get a real game in here sometime.

    EDIT: Stomach-foot? Nonsense.

    II CASHnDASH II Forerunner

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    I just walked around this in Forge and i must say... Very cool map! The water wheel looks bad ass, and the layout seems like it would work well in any mode. The design is defiantly unique and all of the different levels should make for some quick, unpredictable gameplay.

    Nice map.
  14. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Absolute keeper. Played this as two flag, slayer and team slayer. Solid throughout spawns, weapon balance, perfection. Especially loved campin up on the big wall behind the water wheel. You placed a soft kill up there, but there's a little nook on either side that you can jetpack up to and rain death. We tried this with multiple team sizes. It clogged up a little above 10 players. "The Pod"i s on our regular rotation for my group. Awesome job.



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