Reach Title Update

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jameslieb1, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    So, as most of you know, the Halo: Reach title update is coming soon. My question is, what would YOU like to see in the title update?

    Here's just a few of the things I would like to see:
    -Option to change Firefight set skulls (so that not every set is the same)
    -Option to turn Juggernaut flames off
    -Very unlikely, but an undo/redo option in Forge would be great
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Do you know when??

    -Fix the forge saving glitch that will randomly save over your previous map with a different map. Been really paranoid after hearing several incidents of this happening to people.
    -Add alpha zombie traits
    -Add ACTUAL unlimited camo
    -Start new round when zombie dies with 1 life settings.... it makes absolutely no sense that the round wouldn't restart....

    That's about it..
  3. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    -OMG that first one happened to me a few days ago. I was working on my map when a friend joined because he wanted me to see his. So I end it and let him put his map, and after a while he wanted me to save it. So I did. Next thing you know I try load up my map only to find that I overrid it with his. Luckyly though, it was still in the recent files, so no big deal.
    -I really want that too.
    -That one should've been a gimme.

    What I want Bungie to make.
    -The nade power to be reduced, as well as melee power.
    -A slightly bigger item count.
    -The DMR not as BS.
    -Make it so that the items don't rotate when you "click 'em" together.
  4. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    The Title Update? Oh, you mean that because Bungie is releasing the new maps, they're going to update the whole game!


    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Thats what Title Updates have been for in the past, if there are serious bugs then the game developer may make fixes for them then release them all at once in a Title Update (sort of like what they're doing for New Vegas, they're not just going to keep giving you lots of updates, they'll fix lots of bugs then do one big update)
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Oh, like the glitched hill sequence option? The fact that Juggernaut settings don't work properly? The other glitches with gametypes like RR? The glitches mentioned in relation to Forge maps reverting/even overwriting themselves with other maps? All those things that aren't broken? Yeah, I totally see your point...

    Even then, 1.1 TUs with H2 and H3 also addressed balancing issues, which could very well be the case with Reach, clearly they didn't have time to polish the game completely since there are bugs that really shouldn't have made it through testing. Hopefully they'll also address the fact that certain custom options have actually been left out from what we had in H3 (Alpha Zombie/starting zombie % being two that people here are keen to see back again, amongst others), and add these in. Fragtality over at MLG has also been suggesting a change to the way DMR bloom works to increase the emphasis on pacing shots, essentially meaning that if you're firing at full RoF and therefore bloom, your bullets are guaranteed not to hit the centre of the reticle, as opposed to just less likely right now. I'd personally like to see this implemented too, though I appreciate that it's much less likely than the straight up fixes which have been talked about by other people.

    Still, there's plenty to address with a TU, and whilst I've heard nothing about when we'll be having one, I think it's pretty certainly a case of when rather than if.

    Other than the ones I've already mentioned:

    Agreed. Personally I'd just like the see the Camo powerup work like it has in previous Halo games, whereas I think the AA is fine as is (though 'Full Camo' or something to that effect should be added as a trait option in custom game settings). The Powerup is next to useless now, since you have to fight to obtain it due to its nature as a pickup, and it wears off after a certain amount of time, the balancing issues that necessitated Camo being nerfed for AA useage don't apply here, so I don't see why they applied this new type of Camo across the board.

    I too would like to see a slight nade nerf, but tbh I don't hold out too much hope on this one and don't think it's the end of the world either. It'd be nice, but hey.
  6. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    I hate when peole start threads like this, talking about a wanted update like its actually been announced.

    But since this has turned into a list of what we want, how bout a harsher punishment for quitting a game, such as a credit penalty, and an ability to leave punishment free if half of your team has quit, because at that point it simply isn't fun anymore.

    Just noticed when playing snipers, the sniper bloom does absolutely nothing, because you cannot fire a 2nd shot until after the bloom has receded. Either it should be removed or have an actual effect.
    #6 FlamingArmadillo, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    **cough** ViP **cough**cough**
  8. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I want...

    KOTH sequencing fix.

    Certain forge objects changed to be less demanding. For example, all railings and a few other items like the large walkway cover have small white lights built into them that could be removed and nobody would miss them. If it helps framerate issues, it would be worth it since I bet a lot of people wouldn't even notice the difference.

    I agree with the suggestion to make the DMR harder to use. Make it less likely to hit the center of the reticle at higher states of bloom.

    Custom option to force Spartan/Elites so we can work those settings out ourselves rather than have to hunt for a MM gametype that works.

    Balance armor lock so it retains its skillful uses in avoiding things quickly without being a pause button for any situation.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    1. Fix all these giltches I'm hearing about. (of course what else could the purpose of an update be)
    2. Fix the custom game options so we don't have to download Bungie's gametypes off MM to get the necessary settings. Eliminating grenade regeneration, score settings and VIP was probably the stupidest thing bungie could think of. The problem is that because labels are required for custom games, adding VIP post shipping would require some serious updating.
  10. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Trust me, the update is coming. There were several updates for Halo 3, and I guarantee there will be several for Reach.

    Also, here's a few more things I'd like to see:

    -Alpha Zombie traits
    -Initial Zombies percentage options like in Halo 3
    -Real Active Camo, not just the Armor Ability version (where is you move it reduces)
    -Next Zombie options like in Halo 3
    -Shield vampirish/leech traits like in Halo 3
    -Player Species option with the choices Spartan, Elite, and Preferred Species
    #10 jameslieb1, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  11. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    We all know there will be one at some point, but the point I'm making is that you make it sound like they're nearing completion on one already (which they may be, but we have no way of knowing).
  12. Prototape

    Prototape Forerunner
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    I'd like a group select, or even a grouping option in Forge. I hate having to move 10 things once I move one.. or it would be nice to be able to move an entire map to a different area to see if it would look better.

    It isn't really a fix for any problems.. but it would be a nice little addition if you ask me.
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Gotta agree here, I've heard no mention of a TU from Bungie (though I don't watch as carefully as I could or used to). It's a given that the game could be patched, and talking about it is fair enough, but who knows how long it could be? I'm sure they want to not only identify all possible issues at this stage before even thinking about how to fix them, but also take a good amount of time deciding what exactly they do want to change (if anything) about the game mechanic aside from just glitches. It could, and likely will be imo, months yet. Not saying don't talk about it at all, just don't get your hopes up on it being too soon is all.

    EDIT: Basically, I think this is what Armadillo is talking about:

  14. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Well, I'm not certain how soon it will come, you got me there. But with all the problems in Reach right now, we can ASSUME that the update is coming soon. By saying "So, as most of you know, the Halo: Reach title update is coming soon", I guess I was kind of jumping the gun. :/
  15. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    heres a few things i want
    - i want mah VIP back!
    - alpha zombie traits
    - more invasion options
  16. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Hill sequencing is the only thing I really want. All the rest? It'll come along in its time with an eventual TU.
  17. Cadet X

    Cadet X Forerunner
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    Also i love the DMR wayyy beter then the assualt rifle but the assualt riffle should be the main gun of more gametypes.... using the DMR should be more of an opsion for the more skilled players not something n00bs are raised on...
  18. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I still haven't had any problems with saving in forge. They aren't going to nerf all nades because YOU hate dying by them, sorry. Thats what the beta was for... remember they were even more powerful?

    I agree with harsher punishments for quitting. -500 cR, 60 min ban after 3 quits within 24 hours. I'd also like a lifetime quit count somewhere in the players stats, or even if it was just something bungie used in their matchmaking equations. People who almost never quit would get matched with others who don't, and the opposite would apply for quitters.

    But i don't think it will happen lol. My only gripe with forgeworld? I want to be able to place more than 2 lights, goddamn it. But again, i'm not holding my breath for it.

    Edited by merge:

    disagree. Hated VIP... let it die.
    #18 IH8YourGamerTag, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  19. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    You can force Spartans or elites in any game mode that has Pro or Elite in it but the option would be good. Bungie definitely forgot how important game type options are and i dunno how else to say it nicer but slacked off when making them. ( i know time restraints etc but its still true) with all the new forge features they can only be as good as a game type can let them. I always built my forge maps around the game type options.

    So fixing all game type options is a must! and maybe adding a few more like loadout specific traits :D, and more scoring options just more of everything shouldn't have anything less than halo 3.

    Also fixing game problems that you can "Cheat" in matchmaking like impossible to get core in invasion etc.
  20. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No. Default VIP sucked. The customization options included with it were amazing... easily the most customizable gametype in Halo 3.

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