Note: Don't flame me for mentioning Master Chief in the Reach forum, I'm talking about Spartans in general. Okay, I've been wondering, do Spartans get castrated when they get their augmentations? You may think to yourself, "Who the f*** cares? That's gross, dude." I care. And you should too, because I think I raise a valid point. One way, I think it makes sense for the Spartan program to involve getting neutered. Less distractions equal more focus on the task at hand. You wouldn't want your specially trained super soldiers to waste their time masturbating or getting other Spartans pregnant. That would be one hell of a baby. Also, do the female Spartans get their tubes tied or something, nothing screams danger like an armed space marine cyborg on her period. Another way, testicles could really help a Spartan out, if he needs that extra push in confidence. And none of the Spartans have abnormally high voices, so they all went through puberty, which testicles are needed for. Although with all the steroids they pump into the Spartans, their gonads might drop off on their own.
I highly doubt they get neutered so to speak, but I think the enhancements they take get rid of all sexual desires, I think I heard that somewhere on the Bungie forums in one of the threads about blah blah contradicts canon.
BWAHAHAHAHA. that entire second part was hilarious. on topic i just think there never even told about sex so they wouldent even know what to do. but the period thing i dont know mady theres a drug to surpress that and theres ones for males too like what forger said
They all wear Chasity belts and purity rings. With no keys. Spartans are half-men. Female Spartans are a waterpark. Get it? I bet you don't.
I'm pretty sure sex drives and copulation are pretty instinctual. Even if you dunno what to do you figure it out eventually. I didn't have someone guiding me step by step and I'd say I fared pretty well. /awkward first-times
This thread delivers. On a somewhat related note, I've always kind of wondered how much of a hassle it is for a Spartan to take a ****.
They do have reproductive organs. In the books or something spartans can have children they are called Spartan 1.1's. And while born as regular humans the augmentations done to their parents increase their basic skills. Spartan 1.1 - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more Although these are only children of the Spartan 1's (ORION project era Spartans) I think that Spartan 2's and 3's would be in a similar situation, although the fact that they have even further chemical and mechanical augmentation probably does suppress the sexual urge, so although capable of all that crap, they just don't.
Part of the augmentations they undergo suppresses their sexual drive, however, the way they are brought up takes that out of the question. Their made to fight, not ****.