This my first completed map. Well as close to complete as i've gotten anyways. All thats left is some serious play testing to figure out where the problem areas are with balance and flow. I hope you enjoy it and if you don't please let me know so I can make the changes.
ive played several matches of this with as many as 3v3 and it seems to have very balanced and fun gameplay. The map has good flow and symmetry and looks incredible
I made some changes with the team spawns from 4v4 to 6v6. The weapons found on the map are of the human variety and consist of: 7 DMRs 1 Shotgun 3 Grenade Launchers 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Sniper Rifle 2 Machine Gun Turrets 8 Grenades
i have played this in a few sessions now and i must say it runs really well. FFA games tend to break down a little but team games are spot on. The lvl has a very good design and the forging looks really smooth. overall it makes for very fun multiplayer matches
maybe this should replace aaa-aaa-atom, well i mean i dont know anyone that would think thats a bad idea. or more precicly say aaaa-aaa-atom is good while im around, or to get it spot on even say that horrible name whilst i still have breath in my body
Timothy, im not sure if what you are saying is a compliment or insult. Are you suggesting that my map is so crappy in your opinion that it replaces Atom as your least favorite map? Or are you saying that you actually like it?
Im not sure what to think. It doesn't seem like a good map. But at the same time, I feel you pictures are very decieving. I'll D/L and get back to you later.
Thanks man, any feedback you could give me would be appreciated. Honeslty, while I dont think this map is the best thing on the forums I do think its better than people on the forums give it credit for. The resposes from the people who have played it have been possitive. The things ive heard that are negative have been small and ive addressed those problems. I just want to get more feedback so I can improve the map and so far thats been a hard thing to get from the forum. As long as people play the map I really dont care what critisism they give as long as its simi-constructive. So please play then post...let me know what you think.