Remake Burial Mounds

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DUDERMAN, Oct 28, 2010.


    DUDERMAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    (This is my first posting of a map on this site so please go easy on me.)

    So since reach has come out I've been trying to get one "good" remake of every multiplayer map from halo 1,2 and 3. Anybody reading this that has posted a remake, I almost guarantee I've downloaded it and played it (in most cases for this site, it remains on my hard drive).

    I'm fairly happy with my collection of remakes so far but there are 3 main maps that were missing from my halo 2 pile; Backwash, Water works, and Burial Mounds. Sure I've downloaded "maps" that maybe resembled a small part of those maps if you squint the right way but nobody took the time to do it right like they do on this site. So I figured I'd contribute for once instead of only commenting on others work. I wasn't going to do backwash (i never played it much and wasn't a fan) and waterworks wouldn't be possible without a major scale down. That left burial mounds but I had to find the perfect spot to build.

    After a looong time toying with different areas, I believe I found the perfect spot up in "Alaska". I'm still quite new with forge. I play around in it but rarely have the patience to finish a map. This one was different, I enjoyed going through it and I hope you all enjoy it too. Maybe it'll end up in some of your collections or inspire somebody to trump my version (shouldn't be too hard to do).

    So before we get onto the pictures, here's a few notes...
    -I did not have halo 2 with me when I forged this. Most of it was from memory with the help of some old heatmaps.
    -Although I have much confidence in the spot I chose to build, it can't and won't be perfect from the original.
    -Because I didn't have the game, I'm missing some weapon locations and most of the spawns (I just grouped them in the bases for now).
    -It is currently only set up for slayer and one flag.

    Ok, onto the pics...

    Please give me some feedback as this is my first map. I already know it's not gonna be 100% smooth everywhere as I'm still learning. Also if you can remember any of the weapon locations I forgot and/or messed up, let me know. Thanks.
    #1 DUDERMAN, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  2. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Even if it's not as close as some may like I think this is a great map in its own right.
  3. Xerax

    Xerax Forerunner

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    How well does the map perform? Is there many lag issues?
  4. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    i thought the name seemed familier, this is one of my most played maps in halo 2. even though this isnt your fault, the gree landscape really fails to capture this map,even though it looks great. maybe add orange effects? great forging

    DUDERMAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I believe I have orange and colorblind or orange and nexgen on in those shots.

    The map doesn't look too bad with the grass in my opinion. Obviously the grey walls hurt the look a bit but it's a nice balance of green and grey I feel.
  6. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    Ummmmm am I the only one who can't see the pics?

    EDIT: I had a look through the map and congrats i feel it is the best you could have done with what forege world has to offer so yeah it is great looking remake definately different than the usual lockout, beaver creek, gaurdian, prisonor remakes I am gettig tired of them not so this was a great break from them
    #6 physcopirahna6, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  7. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    YEah I could see them perfectly. Great map btw DUDERMAN. You could've done a little better on the right side of the last pic, but besides that it looks like a pretty good map.

    DUDERMAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you. This map, although completed for now, is far from being "done". I have a couple things I want to fix up already but I first either need to get another copy of halo 2 or forge with somebody who has it. I want to get the weapons, spawns and the major game types completed.

    **On a side note, does anyone know how I can add a preview picture to this thread? I saw an option when I started it but forgot to add it. Doesn't seem to be an option when I try to edit it. Not a big deal, just curious.
  9. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Dammit i knew i should of started to forge one when i thought of it oh well i guess there are always gona be 2 or more remakes of maps. Anyway it looks good but idk why you chose Alaska as your area i would have used the Canyon kinda in the middle near the smaller cave. It looks good really accurate in terms of buildings etc but idk about the scale could probably use adjusting in the proportions some.
  10. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    Wow, this map looks really good to be honest. The aesthetics really match the actual map as best they could. I don't know how great gameplay is, but I'll DL it. Maybe you can check out my Beaver Creek remake, and we might be able to make another remake in the future. Nice job.
  11. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I'm sure this is a fine remake but I think Burial Mounds is just one of those maps that can't be remade well. That map is more all about the topography than the structures and that just can't be mimicked easily. All the hills, trenches, and gullies were all significant game play mechanisms.
  12. NANGIE

    NANGIE Ancient
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    i give you great kudos for even attempting this. i think its really well done with what you have to work with. maybe its still green because it was before everything became a wasteland and dead and brown? =-)
  13. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    It's in the advanced edit option. click edit on the first post. between save and delete or cancel, there's the advanced edit button. It should bring up the screen like the first time you posted this thread

    make sure the gametypes boxes (i.e. One Flag , Slayer , Team Slayer) are still checked as they seem to uncheck when you go advanced

    I just downloaded the map. From the pics it looks good, I'll have to try it out soon

    DUDERMAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you.

    Also I'm already working on the second version of this. I traced the original overhead on top of mine (used the warthog and ghost for scale reference) and I'm going to try to make the geography as close as I can for now. Next step after that will be spawn locations (which I'll have to go back to halo 2 for) and game modes added.

    here's what I'm working off of for now...
    #14 DUDERMAN, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010

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