Invasion Slayer Help

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Daverian, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. Daverian

    Daverian Forerunner

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    So, I apologize if this is hard to understand. I'm trying to explain it as well as I can in the shortest amount of space.

    I am working by myself on an invasion map, and I have dialup Internet. I will eventually do playtesting via systemlink with a bunch of friends, and upload it to the forge contest. As of now, one of the requirements for the forge contest is to have your map ALSO work with invasion slayer. I searched around for a few hours on this site and many others (dialup slows down the process big time) and didn't find a thing, so I figured I'd just make a post. Sure, I can test it out on my own, but that also takes awhile to do by myself, especially with everything I'd have to try out.

    1) is it possible to make the capture points spawn in a particular order with the spawn sequence or another method? This way I could have the capture points move ACROSS the map instead of taking the chance of it just popping up randomly all the way across on one side, then all the way on the other side. Maybe you can make certain capture areas appear in the phases? This way phase 1 could use the left side of the map, phase 2 the middle and phase 3 the right?

    My invasion map has both inside parts and outside parts, and is spread across a pretty big area. I can block off some of these areas by having walls spawn for invasion slayer, but I would just like the above solutions to work instead of having to block the map off.

    2) can you choose WHAT spawns and/or WHEN something spawns? For example, could I make certain weapons spawn and/or certain vehicles? If I can't choose what EXACTLY spawns, can I actually choose what sort of item spawns (Example -> I can't say that I want a DMR and sniper rifle to appear, but I could say that I only want weapons (no vehicles))?. The problem here is with the indoor sections...I don't want a scorpion tank spawning inside of my little rooms. So, for the little rooms could I just have weapons spawn? Or, if spawning vehicle only happen in Phase 2 and 3, coudl I make Phase 1 have ALL inside spawns, then it moves to a small outdoors area for Phase 2 (small vehicles), then a larger outdoor area for phase 3 (bigger vehicles), etc.

    Also, I don't want to have to balance the map for air vehicles and make it work for that....I would rather they don't spawn with invasion slayer as well.

    Thanks. Appreciate any help!

    Edited by merge:

    #1 Daverian, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  2. swampiedonkey

    swampiedonkey Forerunner

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    I am having a similar problem with choosing what reinforcements drop, I cannot find any place to change it at all. But it seems like something should be there somewhere
  3. Daverian

    Daverian Forerunner

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    Thanks for your response.

    I did some extensive testing, but didn't stumble across anything that would help. It appeared as if there was no way to control it. Drop points I put inside of small buildings would still spawn scorpion tanks, but instead of being in the building they would fall on top of it...extremely annoying.

    I also want my map to have no air, but of course, the elites Phase 3 will spawn banshees....annoying as well. It would not have been difficult for bungie to set up some more options....make a tank INSIDE of the hill that you placed as a capture zone, set a spawning sequence and a gametype label...that item (tank in this instance) will spawn there in invasion slayer once that location is capped, and it will use the spawning sequence to determine the phase. If there are more than one item there with the same phase, it would randomly choose. Easy. Or make it a custom option, but bungie only likes to remove those, not add/keep useful ones.

    I also tested some of the drop spot locations to see if they spawned in a certain order. I set many of them down, with the spawning sequence to 0, 1, 2, or 3. 2 of each is what I did. It appeared that the 2 and 3's spawned more often then the 0 and 1s, especially early on. I will have to do more testing though. And possible 0 counts as phase 1, 1 counts as phase 2, and anything with a spawning sequence of 2+ counts as phase 3. That would make sense why my spawning sequence capture spots of 3 and 2 always spawned early on WAY more than the 0 and 1s....sorry if this is confusing and being explained poorly, but it's not factual information anyway. If I actually discover something that works, I'll post in greater detail.

    I did these tests, but I would still like to hear from others in the community about their trials, if they found anything that works, of if they know how to do anything using "tricks" that I would like to do.

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