Because Bungie clearly loves my trolling of forums... they've given me three new helmets!!! The Mjolnir MK6 Pilot Security OMFGWTFORGASM EDIT: LOL ^ Yes, as discussed this was from the Hologram glitch... see page 2 on how to perform the glitch
I don't get it Are these not unlockable at all or did you somehow get them very easy? Bit a 'planation wouldn't go down a miss.
Especially since they're different colors, and its pretty obvious its in forge mode, yet they aren't team colored.
Lmao trolls always win... the "RPO" (I just made that up xD) actually is something different.. it looks similar to the Security one.. but doesnt... look like anything in the youtube video that shows you all the armor unlocks? :S HOLOGRAM ROCKS!
Nice try. You just did the Hologram Glitch. And the last helmet is the redesigned version of the Security helmet.
If there's nothing to talk about, then people will stop posting. Ironically, you are saving the very thread that you want to kill.
You have to be "gifted" by Chuck Norris to do it. This guy just took images from google, obviously, because the original hologram glitcher died of disintegration by THE roundhouse kick.
LOL To perform the hologram glitch, obviously you pick up the hologram AA (That's a no brainer) Then press ^ on D-PAD and X (or AA button) at the same time. This put you into monitor mode whilst displaying your Hologram. We've found out that you can't be host to do this.. or you have to experience some sort of lag to get it done. It's also different for you, than it is for a friend. The armour is entirely randomised. With elites, the Armour Effects, like Pestilence and Bungie Blue Flame are also visible occasionally. Also, it's not really something to be discussed. Just wanted to show you guys some cool helmets
The security helmet is the helmet I'm aiming for. I saw in an armoury compilation video and I fell in love with it.