A four sided place of mayhem. There are two sides of this map and each place you spawn at looks completely from the other side. Each side has a different weapon to be able to differentiate between the four bases. This map is mainly used for Team Slayer It can be played with 2v2 to a 4v4 Here is how it looks: Side A 1 Side A 2 Side B 1 Side B 2 Middle Be sure to download it here: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=33961999 Make sure to share it with all of your friends Thank You Enjoy
Meh, your other one was better. Interlocking isn't as apparent here and the layout is not that creative. I do like the central stucture/building however, that looks well thought out and built.
looks pretty good but also looks like you could break out of it very easily by getting on the stairs in the 3rd pic, jumping on the wall corner, then jumping to the edge of the box, jumping on barriers, and either jumping or grenade jumping up the the double box and your out. but then again theres nothing out there.