Threshold Infection Series - Happy "Haloween" everyone! I'd like to welcome you this year to Halloween with a map based on bestowing fear and sense of doom into the souls of life, while the dead spread their fullness of... well... death of course yes its not halloween yet, but Im moving soon and will not be able to have xbox live at my new place for a few months but its only temporary. anyhow, this post is as close to Halloween as i could make it GAMETYPE Threshold is a mini-game hit that will be sure to satisfy you! 1-2 survivors stay placed in the center of 1 of 3 terrible atmospheres as the zombie hoard approaches them from ALL around. dont worry, zombies have cover, and humans have "weapon drops" giving them different weapons as time goes on, putting their skills in that weapon to the test. If you're a survivor, you must keep an eye on your HUD as well as your surroundings. you cannot move; only look around HUMAN STATUS 1- health level. This doesnt replenish itself once the dead make contact. You will become fully infected when the zombies attack with 5 melee's or 8-10 lunge attacks. It may seem like too much health, but swarms of undead will widdle them quick if they use communication. 2- ammunition. Your starting weapon, the plasma pistol, does decent damage to one zombie, but will overheat when encountered with 3 or more at short intervals. So keep an eye on the ammo to make sure you're not running low with the weapons you pick up, and make sure when to know when to reload. NOTE: DO NOT PICK UP ZOMBIE SWORDS! THEIR LUNGE RUINS GAMEPLAY AND WEAPON DROPS BECOME INVALID. KEEP WITH YOUR FIREARMS. 3- sense of awareness. If a zombie is directly behind you within 10 meters, you'll be sure to know about it unless they're quite. This is why its always good to make sure your buddy's got your back. if you're flying solo, you may need a higher sensitivity level, cuz you'll need to turn around fast. 4- grab new weapon icon. Roughly every 30 seconds or so, a new weapon will spawn, giving you assistance against the fight against undead. Only one weapon will spawn, so it's up to you to decide who should take it; you or your partner. NOTE: every map has different drops. after 3 minutes, if your still alive, a health kit will spawn 5- sense of hearing. NO zombies do NOT always have waypoints on them! they do however have waypoints over their heads for 1 second after they spawn. This is to signal the humans of when zombies are coming from. However, most of the time, waypoints dont even show for the reason that players usually aren't looking in the zombie's direction. ZOMBIE STATUS 1- health level. You can take some damage from short distances if you sprint. You can manage to get a lunge in if you can get run about half-way up to your target, but if your teammates are swarming, you can sneak quietly and get a good few melee's in before you're noticed. 2- strength. the infected can use sheer desire to lunge at their enemies at close range, but it makes for a weak swing. so make sure, if you can get close enough, to get a good well-balanced swing in there (melee attack) being that it is much more powerful. 3- exertion. You can exert focused amount of energy as a zombie into sprinting. Make sure that before you run in for your attack, that your sprint meter is filled completely. Also, survivors are aware of your sprinting, so be sure to only sprint if you need to. 4- stealth. If you want to get a good few hits in, you must use stealth to your advantage. Your target will not be aware of you if you crouch or walk slowly behind them. If they turn and look at you, make a run for it... at their face 5- sixth sense. you can sense survivors from miles away now that you're infected. You can use the waypoint to tell where your center attack point will be as well as if your target is turning around. MAPS yes, there are 3 maps you can play Threshold on: Parking Garage, Abandoned Freeway, and a Wrecked Trainyard. Each of which have very nice aesthetics blended in with lots of cleverly placed cover. Parking Garage DOWNLOAD PARKING GARAGE Welcome to this vacant parking garage. It has been abandoned since the infection, so it has therefore been absent of people for a while now. It seemed like a good place to go at the time. Little did you know that the threat still lurks here ever greater. the darkness hugs this place from all angles. civilian vehicles still remain present but have done nothing but make more corners for the dead to lurk behind. You are the center of attention headlights still remain lit, but they do nothing to light this dark place. This place may seem open enough for you to pick off the dead before they get to you, but they come faster and more forceful than you might think. Freeway DOWNLOAD FREEWAY Make yourself at home at the freeway. unlike your probable imagination, this freeway is anything but open. it has many things for the zombies to hid behind, so this map is similar to parking garage, but has more surprises and different weapon drops. the freeway was too crowded to drive on, so you traveled on foot. The infection is dense here, as many other victims had the same idea you had. There is a lot of wreckage for the threat to hid behind. as the last on earth, you must defend yourself from this threat as they will approach abundantly from all sides. be cautious when physically punting the undead away. It wont do much Half of the undead will pour out from the back of this semi truck. but dont be deceived, fellow defender, they will also lurk from the complete opposite direction, as well as other sides occasionally. Trainyard DOWNLOAD TRAINYARD All aboard for the abandoned Trainyard wreckage! The zombie spawns are closer to the human(s) so his/their reaction time has to be spot on in this map. If your playing solo on this map, your skills will be strained. zombies will flood from the traincars, mainly, and from other directions as well. less things to hid behind would mean an onslaught of zombie bodies; if it werent for the close spawns. The dead will continuously approach you, stranger. Be on your toes. this is anything but easy. abandonment hit this place recently. the infection is fresh and so are the bodies. lets hope yours isnt next. *headlight idea: me, P1MPxSLaSH* - - - - - - thanks to everyone who tested and made suggestions. please download each map below its name to check it out for yourself. if you message me ( gamertag: P1MPxSLaSH) I will definately play it with you and tell you the tips and tricks
The first map looks like it would be preety spooky, and the second map looks preety intense too. Though the third map doesent stand out to me as much. The look/idea is cool but it doesent seem likes theres enough cover to use. I dont know mabey im wrong, I'll tell you after I play them.
the trainyard has decent cover, the screenshots make it look open though, I must say. i could play with you if you want
looks great, cool headlights! but I feel that you realy could have made this more interesting by making it something like the left 4 dead series. this would be much cooler with a storyline
Dood COUNT ME IN!!! I would LOVE to play this with you guys! send me an invite to =] You should get a full 16 people.