
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by yellowston3, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. yellowston3

    yellowston3 Forerunner

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    This is a small symmetrical map built in the coliseum. Made for fun competitive gameplay. This is my first map and I would love any feedback from anyone.

    There are 4 sides. Red/blue and purple/orange.
    Rockets in the middle.
    Shotgun bottom orange.
    Sniper top purple tower.

    Thanks for the feedback I will work on the z fighting and cleaning up some other areas. Also if anyone runs any games send me a video please especially flag. I haven't had a chance to really test it out.




    #1 yellowston3, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  2. Jimbob J

    Jimbob J Forerunner

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    Word. this looks like an acid trip. This reminds me of derelict. Looks like it would make for a good FFA map.
  3. yellowston3

    yellowston3 Forerunner

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    Thanks. Let me know how it plays for you.

    Edited by merge:

    FFA may be the best gametype for it I don't know. I set it up for multi flag ctf as well. 5 flag to win and a touch return would probably be best.
    #3 yellowston3, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  4. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Simply awesome use of color. I really like that.

    Also, it seems fairly well-suited for gameplay, although I've only had the chance to run around a bit.

    There are some places that look a little sloppy/cluttered, though. I noticed some z-fighting. I'll try to get a game going and get back to you on how it plays.
  5. yellowston3

    yellowston3 Forerunner

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    thanks for the comments. I think I know what mean by "z-fighting". Is that where 2 surfaces are occupying the same space and it looks glitchy? Do you know how to fix that?
  6. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's exactly what it is. It's a problem inherent to 3D graphics in general, but there are a couple things you can try to do to avoid it.

    I suggest 1) avoiding phasing/merging objects when possible, 2) very slightly nudging one object to go behind the other (as slightly as possible, so you don't get bumps) or 3) covering up the flickering, depending on your situation.

    I actually made a post about this yesterday on my Forge-related blog. Forgive me if I'm whoring out my own website, but this particular post is definitely relevant to this conversation: How to avoid z-fighting (flickering) of phased objects | Reach Forger
  7. yellowston3

    yellowston3 Forerunner

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    This is exactly the kind of help/suggestions I was hoping to get here. Thanks

    I agree that needs to be fixed. Also if you could specify the cluttered and sloppy parts. I'd like to try and make it better.
  8. Reggie Freakin Wayne

    Likes Received:
    This one really caught my eye because it is so vibrant and full of color. I think Sorry is talking about the z-fighting when he said things look sloppy. He's a really great/experienced Forger, so don't take it personally... i'm sure he is only trying to help. Other than that, this map looks pretty great. I think it would make a sweet laser tag arena!
  9. yellowston3

    yellowston3 Forerunner

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    Hey thanks for the comment. Yeah, Sorry has helped me out with the z-fighting and I'm going to try and fix that. Whats laser tag? Sounds like it could be fun.

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