Lrn2read, bub. I said I support it an in that same chunk of text I said I'm too lazy to bother with it. I don't support idiocy. Oh, not to mention I posted my average daily gain in the lines you quoted. Even stated the fact that I'm a casual player (meaning I don't waste my entire day trying to grow an MLG e-*****. There are even days I don't play Halo, oh god! The blasphemy! FPS games suck compared to what else is out there, I'm not going to play them every day.). Somehow you seem surprised that gaining such low credits almost daily hasn't gotten me past WO1. I'll venture to guess that you haven't even noticed daily challenges only range from 500 Cr to 4,000 Cr with most only being 1,000 to 2,000.
Exactly, Ill admit I did some cR boosting but that in no way has made me a better Halo player. I just wanted to unlock the armor because it looks cool, I play halo for fun and Ill have more fun, If my avatar has a robot arm and an electrified head because, Frankly, thats ****in' awesome.
Cr boosting is fine with me, much preferred to derankers, nuke boosting, guest-booting, guest whoring. OP exaggerated when he said 1 guy sassing people in 1 corner... what do they have? Tactical Inserts? If you have a guest in rumble pit that isnt playing, and you are assasinating him, or killing him in any way over and over you have to move around the map a good deal... and you WILL be detected for this kind of boosting so its a moot point anyway. Also any other kind of boosting nets more Cr/hour, this is only useful for boosting K/D or certain medals. Tho I am still not against it as you arent hurting anyone. If you have a guest in Rumble oddball then your kills dont get you a win and you and the guest not fighting the other players doesnt change the outcome of the game, it just turns it into a 6 person FFA (like H3 was). Other forms of boosting all have 0 potential for screwing up games, in H:R at least. Even guest-booting is beneficial to the other 2 in firefight because they get 2x more enemies to kill. Sword base boosting literally effects no one else and the extra rank gained is in no way game-breaking. Ive boosted sword base for a good bit but I would have gotten to Lt Col legit probably about a week and a half ago. I nearly have 10k matchmaking kills so I dont see how anyone could ***** about me not earning my rank, and even so it matters not. Just got painfully slow gaining credits there for a while.
Boosting on Oni= frowned upon, but not bannable IMO Checkpoint boosting for flawless cowboy SHOULD have been patched or bannable. This is because Oni boosting, you are still getting the kills for the weapon, its frowned upon, but you're still doing what the commendation describes, get kills/multikills. Rather, with checkpoint for flawless cowboy you are not completing those 250 or whatever amount of levels without dying, only one, which has been checkpoint saved. Doing gruntapocalpse continuously is in the middle, perfectly fine, but is ehhh. However doing it every once in a while is perfectly acceptable.
Ok, no they don't have tac inserts. But on a map that isn't incredibly big (for example, The Cage), its pretty easy in an oddball game for three friends to group up and for one to constantly kill the other 2 by assassinating them. I've seen it done, it is not hyperbole. It is not exactly great though. I am sure you would rather have an 8 player competitive game preferred to a 6 player game where every two second "BlahBlah is untouchable!" etc. Thanks for your input on this everyone.
I don't care if people boost. I like trying to "cheat a game" doing things your not meant to in a way your not meant to but the game allows it. By boosting or making a awesome mini game or by keeping marines alive past where there meant to get to in campaign either way is fine with me. If you wanna do it do it for whatever reason.(I don't normally boost but i tryed the ONI:sword base once already Lt.grade 3 i just have a friend who is way ahead of me in credits and has done it so i wanted to catch up a bit so that's my personal experience) But specifically for reach for credits it may be annoying getting expensive armor you worked for and people who boosted just get it for free but that happens in anything can't stop people cheating.
I did Oni about 35 times and got bored. I have a lot of Gruntpocalypse due to firefight challenges simply because I know there are 120 grunts in a game. When I do challenges, for me I prefer to accomplish it in as few games as possible. I don't have the attention span to keep playing this game that much. I hop on Matchmaking more than I did in Halo 3, but I find it extremely annoying with players constantly dropping out of games or people always choosing games I don't want to play.