CARNAGE MAP PACK Conduit has been updated. Concussion Rifle replaced by Needler, Grenade Launcher spawn time is now 90 seconds. Stockpile has also been fixed. The Carnage Map Pack Consists of three Halo: Combat Evolved remakes. Rat Race, Damnation, and Prisoner. Each one was remade not to just be exactly like the original, but to also give a new feel to the map. These are NOT re-imaginings, they are true 100% remakes no questions asked. So lets get started. All maps are capable of playing the game types listed above. (Click the links above Imprisonment and Purgatory to watch a walkthrough. A gameplay video is available for Conduit.) Imprisonment walkthrough Spoiler This is our first remake, and its almost perfect. Check out the compass on the Assault Rifle, its even oriented correctly. No getting lost here! This is our remake of Prisoner. Enough of reading what I have to say, lets look at some pictures. Starting Screen. Quick comparison. Red spawn. First to second floor hallway. Both sniper spawns. Weapon List Spoiler Weapons: 2x DMRs (Not in [O] Variant.) 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Grenade Launcher (Not in [O] Variant.) 1x Assault Rifle 1x Plasma Rifle 2x Sniper Rifles 2x Needle Rifles (Not in [O] Variant.) 6x Plasma Grenades 4x Frag Grenades 2x Health Packs Download the map here to see more, you won't be disappointed. This map also has an [O] variant, which features all the original weapons, to get it, download here. (Only slayer is supported.) Purgatory walkthrough Spoiler Ah, good ol' Purgatory. Welcome to our second remake, this one is of Damnation. This one is extra special in my eyes, we put the map on a 30° snap to get a good view of the waterfalls, and to still line stuff up correctly. Well that was a bad idea. You see, if you put the map on anything other than a 90° snap, all X, Y, and Z coordinates are extremely hard to align correctly, and most of the time they will not align at all. So for us, this was our hardest map out of the three. It took a few weeks to get finished and many hours in forge. Well now that you know what was put into the map, lets see if our hard work paid off. First we'll show you a few W.I.P. shots, so you can kind of see where we were about halfway through. Hmm, it looks alright, could be good. Now lets look at the finished product. Starting Screen. Blue side teleporter. Blue side spawn. Blue side upper floors. Upper middle shotgun spawn. Upper middle above shotgun spawn, looking at red spawn. Lower mid rocket launcher spawn. Looking up the wall from the gravity lift in the last picture. Top mid sniper and camo spawn. Lower red side, rocks instead of pipes. (Rocks work best when your low on cash and need to make pipes.) Lower red side, Walkable pipe. (Its actually a rock.) Middle red side. Right tunnel takes you to red spawn. View from very top of sniper spawn, looking at blue spawn. Lower blue side, looking at red sides very nice wall. Red spawn. Red spawn looking at the tunnel out. (I'm very proud of that tunnel.) Top red side, to mid red side. View of sniper spawn. A shot of red mid to neutral mid. Weapon List Spoiler Weapons: x2 DMRs x1 Magnum x1 Plasma Pistol x1 Shotgun x2 Sniper Rifles x1 Plasma Repeater x1 Grenade Launcher x2 Assault Rifles x4 Health Packs x2 Needlers x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Camo x1 Overshield x4 Frag Grenades x4 Plasma Grenades Well have you decided to take the plunge? If so, download the map here, Its FREE! Conduit gameplay Spoiler Check out that sweet Banshee game play picture! This is our remake of Rat Race, Conduit. As some of you may know, Rat Race didn't have a Banshee, or any vehicles for that matter. Well ours does. This is our latest map, and I think this is our best one yet. Like in our Purgatory remake we went for windows, lots and lots of windows. It gives the map a more open feel, unlike the originals that were inside and sort of claustrophobic. Think windows are a bad/cool addition? Check out the pictures below and decide for yourself. (This map was also aligned correctly with the Assault Rifle's compass.) The map was also completely color coded, but for some reason when we played a game most of the colors changed to neutral. But the rooms really stand out from one another when the colors work, and it makes the map look better. Red spawn, also called "The Shrine". Feeling small? Red spawn cave entrance. Near red ramp. Also called "Banshee Hall". Banshee Hall Teleporter Banshee Hall to blue spawn. (Red section is called the "Penalty Box". Blue spawn, also called, "Orange Hall". Across the hall from blue spawn, windowed floor. Teleporter near blue spawn. Walkway across from the teleporter. View of "Purple Hall". Purple Hall Teleporter. Purple Hall to red spawn. Yes we thought about making it possible to jump and grab the power-ups, but it made the map look bad so we decided to leave them at the tunnel's level. Window inside cave can help you quickly see if someone is inside the teleporter room. This section of the map is called the "Cave". Overshield spawn. (Down the hall, around the corner.) Teleporter room. To the left is the doorway to camo. The view you get when you look up in the teleporter room. Near the camo spawn is a window, you can see your enemies, and they can see you. Weapon List Spoiler Weapons: x1 DMR x1 Needle Rifle x1 Assault Rifle x1 Grenade Launcher x1 Needler x1 Shotgun x3 Magnums x1 Plasma Pistol x4 Plasma Grenades x4 Frag Grenades x1 Camo x1 Overshield Download inside. (Not sure why it keeps adding extra Spoiler tags.) Spoiler Like the map? Download Here. Check out the Penalty Box on Rat Race! Penalty Box
Cheesy Map Pack name but some AWESOME Maps. I remember playing the original ones on Halo PC and how fun it was. I hope this isn't very different from the originals. But why are there no people who can take the challenge of remaking Danger Canyon?
The issue with colors on Conduit is the result of setting them by changing the object's "team" alignment instead of using the "object color" option. They behave differently. This is truly superb work. Damnation and Rat Race are big favorites of mine, and I appreciate the commitment to aesthetics with Purgatory. It definitely would not be the same if the map was facing out towards open space.
When I open your spoilers, the pictures are so large they make it impossible to see or read anything.
I hope they're not too different, I measured them out by comparing my run speed to MC's in Halo:CE so the scale should be just about right. Also the weapons feel pretty even even though we changed some stuff up. Oh and were thinking about doing danger canyon, its just not at the top of our list right now. Our next map is going to be an Ice Fields spiritual successor. Ah, I see. I'll have to fix that next time. Thanks, I think Rat Race is my favorite of the three maps. I really like how the map is almost symmetrical but still provides quick ways around for both teams. Hehe sorry about that. If you give it time, they'll all load up and re-size themselves. (I know there's a ton of pictures, I hit the limit and I actually wanted to use 76.)
Crap, bandwidth exceeded. I'm not sure if I can fix that problem. Also Conduit has been updated and the colors work now. Edit: Okay this sucks, it took forever to make this thread now all the images are broken... I'll see what I can do, even if I switch to imageshack it will take a long time to fix the thread.
I wasnt old enough to play halo combat evolved's maps so i dont know the layout, but comparing to the pictures the maps are really similar and everything seems to be to scale, plus playing slayer on these maps is amazing, I really enjoy them. Awesome job!