Authors: DIEabolical, xSOGx Grim,wwolf655 Map Name: Spine of the xBEASTx Map Canvas: Forge World Map Size: Large Player Count: 1-16 Supported Gametypes: Race __________________________________________________ Description: This is a aesthetical race track with teleportals that only work for the connection host for the most part. But its still fun with big parties just to ride around looking at cool stuff. This map supports mongooses and warthogs for an extra challenge. Use race gametype. 4-16 players. Starting point Here is where non host players will come out of teleportal crooked....sorry. Special thanks go to xSOGx Grim for the wicked scorpion and wwolf655 for the awesome waterfall finish. Map Download
Just had a drive-through. The map is fun to race on, but the beasts really add alot of atmosphere to the track. I especially love the dragon. Well done sir.
I like how you made it work for warthogs too and WOW! Those aesthetics are incredible! Love the scorpion! Can't wait to try it! Definite download here.
Well done sir I congratz you on your fine accomplishment. All of the monsters in this map are high quality and I can see a lot of effort went into forging them Great job on this map I hope to see more from you.
This is pretty cool. Would almost work as an aesthetic map. Not the best track racing wise out there but one of the best aesthetically. Good job.
Ay! glad to see this finally posted! Everyone should note that every attempt to fix the teleporters had been exhausted. After the first lap it becomes pretty straight forward of how to counter stosh's fail. Just powerslide into the porters and you'll be fine.
Amazing track my favorite race map yet, I love how it works for the warthog as well it is extremely smooth and VERY creative especially those little side creations. The evil faces are well forged and are very funny. What amazed me even more is the fact that you drive down a waterfall, I'm sorry but that part is down-right beautiful. This track really deserves more attention, especially since it is made by my two favorite forgers
ive been a fan of your creative designs since halo 3 and you have yet to let me down im not the biggest fan of racing games but i just want to compliment your works great job
very nice, played on it lots of times now with freinds, just trying to find this thread (not sure how it died) and congratulate you on a spifiing map
This is one of the best race maps I have played. Loads of amazing glitches (not bad glitches, by glitches I mean good) and Aesthetics. Race map is also very smooth, there is a few problems with the glitches though, like the hand can sometimes not work. Also the last picture with the turns, if you go slow you cant proceed. Thats something you need to fix.
Thank you for the comments guys i am still trying to come up with an idea to fix the teleportal problem and will put out a version 2 whenever i can fix it.