4 House's Made by: Escype & Niko330 So this is like the 3 House's, but this has 4 House's =D So you have 4 House's and you need do Survive the night. (4 Min's) You only have at start pistol and 1x Frag, you can find weapons trought the map and inside houses. You need atleast 8 players so you get 4 infected and 4 humans. Weapon list: 5x Shotgun's (60s Spawn time, Spare clips: 0) 6x Magnum's (60s Spawn time, Spare clips: 1) 5x Assault Rifle's (60s Spawn time, Spare clips: 0) 5x Health Station's (60s Spawn time, Spare clips: 0) Overview of the map Mongoose Factory Empty House Warehouse Niko's House
you stole my idea im the one who made the original 3 houses and i was planning on remaking it in reach well there goes that chance EDIT: well im actually surprised i never new 3 houses got that popular
Wtf man? i stole your idea? How? I made 3 Houses yesterday and this 4 Houses today with my friend so how i stole your idea?
are you saying he stole your map name or map design? Cause a name's a name dude. Just because you came up with a map named 3 houses doesn't lock off that name in all future games are even within that game. I mean its not even that original of a name, it just describes the key gameplay mechanic of the game...there are three houses. If your saying he stole your entire level design that is a little more serious but also not totally unforeseeable. If you made a map with 3 houses on it then any map with three houses on it is similar in design. So unless your halo 3 version was spot on exactly like escypse's version than he did not steal your map, and the name is just a name.
yes but both of our maps are of the same concept humans spawn outside and have to get inside a house and defend themselves from the zombies
that's like 90% of zombie games dude. Humans generally spawn outside the area they have to get to. Like I said your map is pretty basic in concept and was just a matter of time before a similar thing happened, and when you name it something as generic as 3 houses a similar name was bound to happen. So I would just let it go.
Hey you stole my idea! And left your ham sammich in my brain. Anyways after I delete your purple FX ball I will check this map out. *Edit - Hey it says the file has been deleted, can't download the map
This map is its own idea. Guess why? because it has "4" houses not "3" So no flaming this map ( even though your flaming is boosting it) I thought that your mongoose factory house was very creative. However the room called the " Empty House" seems a little boring, and why would people want to go their? does it have cover? or secret hiding places? All im saying is that all houses should have their reasons for people to want to hide in them. I just downloaded this and will play it later tonight to see how it plays out. Overall good job on the map!