Remake Guardian

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by RADITZ, Oct 27, 2010.


    RADITZ Forerunner

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    Updated remake of Guardian from Halo 3.

    I didnt like any of the Guardian remakes id seen so far, so I remade it myself. The map is adjusted for Reach gameplay, so that all the jumps and other perculiarities that I remember work with the default Reach settings. I remade the map from memory, based on how you moved around it, which jumps required croutching, and the general feel of the original map. In this version of the map i've expanded some coridoors near gold and blue rooms that were a bit tight in my first remake, while adding the top centerpiece to the map, which was originally left out because of too many items causing lag.

    I'm very proud to say that I've managed to eliminate all item-based lag in the map while actually using more objects than my first version.

    Grav-lifts work as they're meant to so far as ive experienced while testing. Went through as an Elite just to make sure they can navigate the map with as much ease as spartans.

    The spawns for all teams are set up and the map is ready for most game types (no invasion on Guardian at this point). The map is slightly 'flatter' than the Halo 3 version, to accomodate reaches smaller jump height, this way the map works as it's supposed to. Weapons are as close to the original as possible in reach.

    Finally, the lighting settings I've used are there to give the map a darker feel, like the original had. Ive tried to get the FX so that they dont make things to dark that they distract from gameplay, but if anyone finds them too much, the lighting objects are behind the blue initial spawn room/shotgun spawn area when you go into forge, delete and enjoy.

    The Screenshots.


    Top snipe and entrance to overshield room (the snipe ramp is curved and smoothed)

    Green, brute-shot replaced by concussion rifle

    Gold room, pic taken in elite-slayer.

    Blue room, widened since my last version.

    Gold room from middle, also, the camo-ledge, grav lift from camo to middle has so far worked without any problems.

    Hammer spawn, as seen from green.

    Overview from above snipe-ramp

    Fusion Wall and shotgun drop.
    #1 RADITZ, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy **** this looks absolutely beautiful! I have given this a download and will try and get a game in some time. Quick question: How much framerate lag is there?

    Also submit to this competition. You have a good chance of winning.

    RADITZ Forerunner

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    No lag at all, although if you get a good number of people (about 8 id say) all chucking grenades, or spamming focus rifles (there isnt one of those on the map though) it could drop a little bit, I got 5 of my friends running around and it held up just fine. One of the other remakes I tried was pretty much unplayable due to the framerate, i wanted to avoid that, even though i blew the whole budget. (the trick is not to have overlaping objects that start clipping their textures together)

    Also I just posted it in the Forgotten treasures 2 thread, Ive had the map done for about a month now and finally uploaded it because the competition ends tomorrow,
  4. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    Man it's been, what a month, since Halo: Reach came out? And I already forgot all of these basic details of Guardian. But from what I do remember, this is probably the best remake I've seen so far. Most remakes mostly kill it when it comes to gold, or the jump from between blue and gold to gold. But you look like you pretty much nailed it. Great job.
  5. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    #5 The Trivial Prodigy, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  6. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    This has got to be one the top 3 most beautiful remakes iv seen, visually stunning bro. It seems like you nailed the exactness for the remake same scale etc, i'll download but now i really have to go through all my remakes and just keep the best of the best.

    At that i think we need to task someone (or a group) of shifting through all the remakes and putting the best in a stickie or something.
  7. kdavis73

    kdavis73 Forerunner
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    Nice remake you got really creative with alot of the details and in my opinion thats one of the most important things when forging. best remake of Guardian that I've so far. Great work
  8. caniblcake

    caniblcake Ancient

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    Absolutely Beautiful, and a definite download, but just one thing- The effects don't look very good. This may just be me, but too many maps are using FX and they ruin the map's appearances.
  9. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    I've seen an earlier version of this and in that you weren't able to make the jump from bottom snipe tower to mid snipe tower, did you fix that? cus that was a fairly important part of guardian.
  10. RADITZ

    RADITZ Forerunner

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    Ive made sure all the jumps work, even in my previous version, that was the first part of the map, and jump that i started with. It would be imposible to make the jump any lower, as then youd have to crouch to get into the hammer-tunnel. I had to alter that area slightly to make sure elites could walk through normally as well, but that dosnt effect the jump. As it is i think you can make the jump without a crouch, but if not, thumsticks in and legs up will clear it every time.

    In regards to the FX, some feedback from more people would be great, im not sure if i like them or not, ill let gameplay decide (or general consensus). Also, if anyone has any comments on the gold lift as well (i know its not in the pictures, might update that, and a shot of the middle when i get the chance), that would help a lot, as it gets you to the right spot when you land, but the way i have it set up means that theres an object in the roof that acts as a blocker if you jump up it too fast, if i ever release a v3 of this ill try and get it so you land where your meant to without that, no matter how oddly you try and go up the lift.
    #10 RADITZ, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  11. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
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    This is a pretty good Guardian remake (the best I've seen, and I've tested at least 8 of them). First, the FX have got to go (I took them off and it looks a 100 times better). Second, add another piece of cover to the Green stump and extend the existing piece to actually provide cover. Third, between elbow and Green, there is an obvious rock shelf that can be jumped onto to break the map. On other notes, the lift to snipe 2 isn't exactly right, but I understand that this is probably a budget concession, and while it does change how you have to navigate blue room to lift, it isn't game breaking. Also, it feels a bit cramped relative to the original, but, again, I understand that this is a necessary concession to preserve the jumps with the new jump mechanics. All in all, very good work, almost there.
  12. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Yeah, if you remove the FX, you will be my hero. Other than that, this map is amazing.
  13. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
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    This is the best Guardian that I have played and I have played a lot. There is however one spot that lags. If you enter there top floor of the left room from the active camo side there is quite a bit of a framerate drop.
  14. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    This is an absolutely beautiful map. It is very well constructed--as close to a 1:1 ratio as possible in forge. Plays just like the original. Best remake out there.

    I will say I downloaded and took the visual effects off, as I prefer it normal. The colors are still recognizable too.

    Great map. Very impressive.

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