WARNING VERY HARD MAY BE A CHALLENGE (HINT THINGS ARE THERE FOR A REASON i wouldnt just randomly make a cone) An Awsome Fun Challenging map. Find your way through a Very difficult, but possible puzzle.You will learn the true possibilities of alot of the objects in Forge. This map involves.... Learning how to use your equipment and explosives CROUCH JUMPING Cheakpoint System Takeing the right steps Going Underwater Reading...0.o Rock climbing and more
judging by the pictures, it doesn't look fantastic. doesn't mean im not going to try it, but to me it looks like you're jumping the majority of the map and there is no real logical thinking going on.
^ What she said. A puzzle map is meant to take usually unseen or unknown aspects of the game and force the player to use them to go forward. A good puzzle is something you can solve without ever having heard of the classic Halo glitches, but something that still requires a good amount of thought. Your map supports none of this. Also, you'd think that with Ghost Merging being a defaut option now, you would be able to make a decent aesthetic side to the map. Needs moar puzzle. Needs moar good-looking. Needs moar gameplay. Cheers, HarisSales.
Yea I kno what u guys mean I actually made this map a while ago nd wasn't that creative with it but if u don't like this one try out brain train (v1) that is a better one wich I made recently