Map Name: COMPLEX Canvas Name: Forgeworld (Quarry) Player Count: 4-8 Download Link: DOWNLOAD COMPLEX HERE *Notes* The map is called Complex. The map has been designed with the image of an electrical compound of sorts. Hence the blue "power stream" above the "garden". There are plenty of sightlines. And there are quite a few interesting spots on the map. It is a symmetrically designed map. It features opposing bunkers, with a central garden, and a catwalk in the middle. The catwalk can be accessed via light mancannons to the right of each base ramp. Although the map is entirely closed off, there is a soft kill zone just above the "power stream"(of which you will get trapped if you jetpack through it). The soft kill zone was added with the intent of keeping gameplay to a more "visible" altitude. Each base has it's own catwalk to "Greece", along with a "lift 2 Greece" situated at the rear of each base. Weapons Health Stations x 4 DMR x2 needlers x 2 shotgun x 1 (1 clip, 90s/r) plasma repeater x2 plasma pistol x 2 needle rifle x 2 assault rifle x 2 magnum x 2 concussion rifle x1 (1 clip, place at start false, 90s/r) sniper rifle x 1 (1 clip, 120s/r) plasma grenades x 4 Points of Interest Concussion Rifle. Above Greece. 90 second respawn. 1 clip Accessible via "lifts 2 Greece" or Catwalks. Sniper Rifle. Located on catwalk above "garden" 120 second respawn. 1 clip Shotgun. Located in center of map. 90 second respawn. 1 clip *footnotes* Map has been configured for all gametypes. (- Infection, Invasion and Race.) ANY AND ALL FEEDBACK AND SUGGESTIONS(GOOD OR BAD) ARE WELCOME That's about all I can tell you about the map. You'll all just have to try it out for yourselves. And a big thanks to Husky for the assistance he gave me Screenshots *EDIT* Updated footnotes
Wow, this is like total Deja'vu. I downloaded another map with the exact same name! This map is far more aesthetic though. Good job.
To me, it appears you've attempted to place rocks and use grass as aesthetic pieces. They simply feel out of place and ruin the general feel of the map. There are locations where you've merged several objects together purely for aesthetics, which can have a negative effect on game play. There are things you can do to have cool aesthetics without using rocks or grass in a predominantly forerunner style map. Nice map post, btw.
What would you suggest I had done instead? Because I'm well aware of flickering from merged objects. Of which, the objects you're mentioning (Diamond, Krypton) were placed there more for the callout that can be associated with them. The main reason I put the rocks, is because there was no cover at those points, and putting up some sort of structure, or walls to me made no sense. Just because I felt they took up far too large of a chunk of the map in the corner they were in. And like the Diamond and Krypton, also add callouts. "red rock" "blue rock". Just seemed to fit better than "Back red corner wall". Thanks for the suggestions, Will definitely keep them in mind on future projects. But alas, you're gonna have to tough it out and deal with the rocks. =P
I think what he means when he mentions the several merged objects is this (go to Forging Ahead>Objectify My Love). I doubt, however, that your merged objects will cause the problem mentioned. Game play wise, I had fun testing the map (despite you and I getting annihilated by other two). It felt very balanced and was easy to tell where I was every time.
No, So far those objects haven't come anywhere near causing that. There's still almost half the budget left on the map. So no Z-Fighting.
This is a good map. I particularly like the circular structures in the center of the map because they give it a unique aesthetic, and I don't mind the rocks. Gameplay is fun; there's enough cover to avoid spawn killing and everything seems to flow nicely. However, I do have a couple concerns. First, it's not very obvious that you can get to the Sniper Bridge using the mancannons; for a while, I thought the only way to get up there would be to use a jetpack. Second, I think this map may be a little too "busy" or cluttered. Maybe I'm just a sucker for more open maps, so you can take that one with a grain of salt. But I thought maybe you should think about connecting the sniper bridge to the platforms on each side rather than blocking it off on each end; this would not only open up the map, but would also make the Sniper Rifle more accessible before people figured out that they needed to use the mancannons. Just an idea. Finally, there is quite a bit of z-fighting in several places where objects are merged together. That flicker not only detracts from aesthetics but can also affect gameplay (being distracting). I would suggest finding a way to fix that... I actually posted a few tips about z-fighting on my Forge blog today: How to avoid z-fighting (flickering) of phased objects | Reach Forger Still, nice work. Thanks for sharing.
It's odd actually, most z-fighting is from the floor. Thanks alot for checking out my map, and I'll definitely take things into consideration. I agree, the mancannons are a little bit hard to notice. Husky was helping me decide on what to do with those parts. And we thought of ramps, or walkways to get there, but felt that anything we did would impede sightlines from the bases and corners of the map. Hence the mancannons were chosen. If I could I'd make them more noticeable, but it was kind of the only thing that seemed to work. Once again, thanks for the suggestions.
Okay, I understand the reasoning, and I support you with it. There isn't really anything you can do, but in future, try not to have something really stick out, you know? It is far better to slowly shift from one style to another. Imagine a 'gradient' from red through purple and on to blue as an example. And with the z fighting, there are two ways to beat that. 1. Make sure that the objects have as little overlap as possible. 2. If necessary, slightly shift and object up or down. I've found that this can sometimes generate a smoother surface than a z fighting surface.
I've noticed that as well with z-fighting, usually just a few up and downs and things settle down. Thanks for the tips.