Anime Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aod43254, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. Aod43254

    Aod43254 Forerunner

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    I searched and didn't see any threads involving anime so I decided to make one. I guess I will start it off with some broad questions maybe get the ball rolling, anyone here like anime and/or Manga, and if both which do you prefer? What series do you like? Ever been to, want to, or plan to go to a convention? How long have you been a fan of anime, and if you remember what series made you a fan? I guess one last question, the question fueling the eternal argument, Subs vs Dubs?

    Well its a given that I like anime and manga, originally I was more into anime but lately I have been watching less anime and reading more manga (currently reading 19 different series).

    The anime I like are: Kekkaishi, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in The Shell, Inuyasha, and a few others; Since I don't feel like listing out all 19 series but the main ones are: Naruto, Bleach, The New Prince of Tennis, Psyren, Hajime no Ippo, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Bakuman,and History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi.

    I have been to 2 conventions before, Katsucon (in DC) and Nekocon (in Hampton, VA), and I plan to go to Nekocon next week. Katsucon was my first and to be honest it was a mistake, it was too big for a first time and was a bit overwhelming.

    I have been an anime fan since around age 9 (give or take), after being exposed over the years before age 9 to Dragon Ball Z, Rurouni Kenshin, YuYu Hakesho, Inuyasha, and even Sailor Moon. Manga however I actually began to get into over the past few years. I started reading them at age 14, and just got hooked.

    Personally on the Subs vs. Dubs argument I am on neither side, ultimately I prefer a series in whichever format I watched it in first. Bleach for example I started watching like 5 months before it came to the US, so the only format I could see it in was subs so after hearing the Japanese voices for about 100 episodes they sounded right for the characters and the English dubbed voices just couldn't fill their shoes; But shows like Rurouni Kenshin and Inuyasha I just can't watch subbed, I watched them in English first and the voices just sound right, Rurouni Kenshin for example in Japanese Kenshin sounds like a girl and that just doesn't feel right.
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Subscribing to this thread to edit this post at a later time with all the relevant information.
  3. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I love Anime, but there has always been one that ive enjoyed more than any other:
    Cowboy Bebop.
    Its incredibly underrated, and so many people dont know about it. Ghost in The Shell is another one i enjoy to an extent.
    I despise Bleach. Its one of my least favorite ones out there.
  4. Aod43254

    Aod43254 Forerunner

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    Neo, have you heard Fox is supposedly working on a Cowboy Bebop live action movie, with Keanu Reeves as Spike?
  5. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Really? :O
    I dont know if I should be Happy, nervous, horrified or anxious....

    If it works out well, then HELL YEAH!
    Lets just hope it doesnt suck...
  6. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I've got an Anime Expo coming up in London on Saturday. First time, so should be a blast! I'd recommend Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Though it's one of the few I've watched, it's brilliant. Horror(ish)/Mystery/Comedic at times - but very light hearted, as far as 'horror' goes. I'm cosplaying the main boy in this (though it;ll be a very cheap costume to be fair ;D)

    This series made me a fan.. and have been for about half a year or so now!
    I personally like Subs, as the Japanese voice actors nearly always sound better for me o_O
  7. Prototape

    Prototape Forerunner
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    I don't really care for anime, but the one show that continues to catch my attention is Neon Genesis Evangelion. Every few years I'll re-watch all of it. Great show.
  8. Aod43254

    Aod43254 Forerunner

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    Ever since Dragon Ball: Evolution I have felt the same thing, It has the possibility to be great but that is provided they don't try to make changes or anything like they did with Dragon Ball.

    Hazza, I've never heard of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni out of curiosity did you see it online or through DVDs (or television)?

    Prototape, out of curiosity, what is it about Neon Genesis Evangelion that is able to catch your attention that other anime don't have?

    Senior Member

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    Oh Anime, how I love thee...

    I guess I started watching Anime about 3 years ago probably thanks to Nemihara and Truedarkfusion of the old ForgeHub who got me addicted to 'The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya' (Which I still keep track of today) but then the rest was thanks to some friends from school who deepened my love of Anime to where it is now.

    I mostly stick with Anime as my source for entertainment but kinda recently with lack of Anime I like to watch I've started putting my attention to the newer still airing Anime and reading the manga of it while I'm waiting for the Anime to come out.

    As for Anime conventions, I've been to 3 of them MTAC, Persa-Con and with the most recent one being Anime Weekend Atlanta. I'm not much of a cosplayer, but thanks to some of my friends they started making me cosplay. Most of the time I like to cover the events with my camera in hand and just take pictures of cosplays. ;D My next Anime con I go to is probably going to be MTAC 2011 and I'll try to get me a media pass so I can be recognized as a photographer. (I already have the professional camera to do it)

    And by the way... Subbed Anime wins all the time! Maybe the only times I don't watch subbed is when I watch an Anime that is licensed in America and then usually I can accept the voices, it just usually depends on who did the voices and the type of Anime it is. None the less, I will watch subbed Anime more then 90% of the time. ;D

    Edit: This group needs some love... I've been a long time member of it and it's sad how it isn't more active. :/
    #9 COMMANDERMATT1, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  10. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I go for dubbed anime all the time. My favs... well I suppose bleach, code geass, deathnote, eureka 7, fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, and... gundam 00.

    I also obviously prefer anime to manga. I'm currently watching both Monster, Wolf's rain, inuyasha, and yu-yu hakasho.
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Yea, can't be ****ed editing my other post so here it is.

    My Anime thus far::
    On DVD:
    Appleseed (original, remake and Ex-Machina)
    Armitage the third
    Blood: The last Vampire (Also have the live action movie, yes there is one and it's quite good)
    Berserk series
    Devil May Cry
    Dragonball (all series and movies)
    Dragonball Z (All series and movies)
    Dragonball GT (all series and movies)
    Escaflowne (series and movie)
    Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
    Ghost in the Shell (all series and all three movies)
    Halo: Legends
    Hellsing (original series)
    Hellsing Ultimate OVAs
    Howl's Moving Castle
    Naruto (up to first season of Shippuden and movies Need to get the second and third seasons of Shippuden)
    Neon Genesis Evangelion (series and OVA Movies as well as Evangelion 1.01 You're (not) alone)
    Patlabor 1,2&3
    Red Vs Blue (the lot, if you count that as ANime)
    Rouruni Kenshin first season and Samurai X OVAs
    Straight Jacket
    Vimpire Hunter D
    Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
    Wolf's Rain
    X The movie.

    On my PC:
    Cowboy Bebop (series and movie)
    Full Metal Alchemist (full series and move, Conquerer of Shamballa)

    And on the Subs vs Dubbed debate, I download subs of anime that I think look interesting then if I like it and it comes out in english I will buy it.

    So many Anime out there that I don't like I feel I should be able to preview it first.
  12. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    yeah, I feel the same way waylander. Ill give you the full list of my conquered Anime, all dubbed mind you, lemme find them on my computer... ok.

    • Dragon ball - Dragonball Z - Dragonball GT (No movies)
    • Naruto - Naruto Shippuden 1-53
    • Howl's moving castle - Princess mononoke - Castle in the sky - Spirited away - Tales from earthsea - The girl who leapt through time
    • Black cat
    • Bleach (up to what its at now)
    • Deathnote
    • Kekkaishi (up to about episode 20)
    • Fullmetal alchemist - Fullmetal alchemist Brotherhood (up to what its at now)
    • Yu-yu hakusho
    • Cowboy bebop
    • Gantz
    • Outlaw star
    • Ergo proxy
    • Ghost in the shell (obvious because of my avatar)
    • Wolf's rain
    • Eureka seven
    • Gundam 00 - Gundam seed - Gundam seed Destiny - 8th MS team
    • Desert punk
    • Trigun
    • Final fantasy: the spirits within (if that counts as anime)
    • Last exile
    • Code geass
    • Eden of the east
    • Buso renkin
    • Inuyasha
    • Ghost hound
    • Monster
    • One piece (up to whatever its at now)
    • Noir
    • Sengoku Basara
    • Shikabane hime
    • The melancholy of haruhi suzumiya (not sure if im done with... kinda stopped abruptly)
    • Blue dragon
    • DN angel
    • Aquarion
    • Dot hack sign
    • Star ocean EX
    • Chobits
    • Hellsing
    • Rurouni kenshin
    • Akira

    Still am looking for new ones to add to that collection, if you know of any ones not on it that are dubbed pm me, you will get cookies... or a meatloaf muffin.
  13. Aod43254

    Aod43254 Forerunner

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    Wow, nice lists both of you.
    Rook, first your avater basicly announces that you like ghost in the shell, and second how are you watching Monster? I didnt think it came on tv at the moment and only the first dvd set was released.

    Waylander, what did you think of Halo Legends?
  14. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It was on syfy, i have all of it recorded from then. Absolutely love the way it is though.
  15. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    The artistic style was pretty good and some of the stories were cool but I think it was trying to much to be like The Animatrix.

    Even down to having a Origins I &II (Second Renaissance I & II)

    Just hurt it overall.
  16. Aod43254

    Aod43254 Forerunner

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    Oh ok, I wish I had recorded the episodes I had missed a few and became sorta lost and just gave up hoping to be able to buy/rent the DVDs only to find out Viz has no intention of releasing the rest of the episodes on DVD due to the sales of the first DVDs they released of it.

    I have to agree that it did try to be The Animatrix, once I saw Origins it I instantly thought about The Animatrix. Speaking of Origins, what is you opinion on it? Is the history that Cortana told correct? Some people argue that she was apparently showing signs of Rampancy, what do you think?
  17. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh, if you didn't get to see all of it you can probably find it on youtube, or a torrent site like demonoid or piratebay.

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