Fusion is my submission into Bungie's 2010 Forgetacular Contest. This map is perfectly symmetrical and is greatly suited for FFA and Team Slayer, however this map is ready for all the gametypes it supports above. So far i've only tested out FFA and team slayer because those are the required gametypes for the symmetrical arena catagory and i will have gameplay videos of those games up soon. After playing my first round of testing, the comments and compliments were far more than i expected. One of my good friends over xbox live (xWARWICKx) said that the spawns were superb and always got you out of the line of fire. "You never had to start firing the second you spawned, the layout is great in that the spawns are close to the fight but not to close were you have to unload your first clip within the first 3 5 seconds." - xWARWICKx. Yes i know some of you might not believe me, but he's here on ForgeHub so send him a pm if your really that determined to kill my mojo. A lot of the comments i also received were about how well the map looks. There is absolutely no Z-fighting on the map (of course if you find anything major notify me), and throughout it is aesthetically pleasing. Well i think i should shut my mouth now and let you take a good look at it, so without further ado, here's Fusion. Pictures with * in them mean that that is the base for red/blue for team games and if i missed any you get the deal. oh and multi team is also supported. Fusion Weapons DMR x 4 (60 Sec) Needle Rifle x 2 (60 Sec) Needler x 2 (60 Sec) Plasma Repeater x 1 (60 Sec) Plasma Rifle x 2 (45 Sec) Assault Rifle x 2 (30 Sec) Shotgun x 1 (120 Sec) Energy Sword x 1 (120 Sec) Magnum x 2 (45 Sec) Plasma Pistol x 2 (45 Sec) Frags x 6 (30 Sec) Plasma Grenades x 6 (45 Sec) Map Description This seemingly abandoned nuclear research station serves as the perfect proving ground for new Spartan-III's. Pictures Thanks for viewing and if you forgot where the dl link is check up above!
wow this is actually very cool! it appears that this will run very well and is not crowded at all. great use of the hanger inside and out!
Really, really superb map. I hope you do well in the competition. As for me I cannot go into it because its for US residents only -.- For the map - its not too crowded, its got a GREAT central structure, and playing on it is fun. 4.5/5
One of the best competitive maps I've seen yet. I really like this; aesthetics are nice but not distracting, gameplay is smooth and fairly open, and your careful attention to detail shows. The central room is awesome. There's no other way to describe it. As much as I hate that this map probably hurts my chances of winning Bungie's Forge contest to some degree, I can't deny that it is really a great creation. Nice work.
Thanks for the great feedback guys! Ive also looked at and downloaded both your maps (rbenhase and the1tofear) because i think they are very nice as well. i really look forward to getting a party together this weekend and testing out some of these maps so if you guys are interested just send me a pm.
This map looks great. I'm going to download it and try it out later. The only comment I have is that red base isn't red... I would set some of your objects to red for distinction. Btw, I love the fusion core. Looks awesome.
thanks for the comment! the game that i took the pictures in was free for all, so all the pieces in the map change back to their default state
Just had a run around in forge mode on this map and it looks really good. Theres alot of spawn points and nice weapon placement and some good variety in lines of sight. Im going to have to get nit-picky here to find something to criticise but here goes. Im not sure how it would go in a large game as i only played by myself but it seems with the grav lifts to get from bottom to top quickly, it might draw all the play to the top and leave less action down the bottom. Would you consider maybe putting a drop-hole or something in the center of the map maybe? That way, players could go from top level to bottom level and not just bottom to top. Again, im really struggling to find any problems, just wondering if this was an issue in your playtesting?
To respond to your question, and i dont mean this in any negative way possible... During the playtesting, i had the exact same question brought up by one of the testers. To counter that potential problem, i placed the shotgun and most of the grenades down low to keep people from going up top for sword. Now, many people know that even if you are new to Reach, shotgun>sword 95% of the time. Since there is only one sword, the other players who do not have the sword must find a way to counter that "power" player, right? i gave players the option to make a quick run downstairs, grab the shotgun, plasma pistol, or plasma nades to try and take out the sword guy. Now, since there is only 1 shotgun people will have to fight over it. inevitably, theyll move downstairs then up and down etc. It was a constant cycle and being that this map is more vertically than hoizontally orientated, i was happy with the result.
Oh yes that makes sense! As i said, the weapon placement is really good! Just making sure it was a problem you had countered already. Really good map anyways, will be staying on my HD for a while.
Thanks i really tried to put my heart into this, in a little bit i will be posting the more refined version. In this V1.1, ive made the shotgun spawn even less claustraphobic, and made a couple aesthetic changes to make it look less sloppy