I took these photos in Halo: Reach theater mode using my non-patented "Mise-en-Scene" effect, these are unedited and i urge you to visit my fileshare on B.Net to download on there and help spread the word if these shots are worthy- Thanks! To Screenshots (CLICK) ---------> Bungie.net :File Share **NOTE: these contain NO modded content in ANY way, the armor was obtained playing offline where the rank cap DOES NOT EXIST
Oh my god. These are amazing... what did you do to create the colored haze effect thing? It adds so much motion, so much feeling to the shot, especially that first one.
Thanks for the positive feedback! However... while my effect makes the screenshots astonishing, what makes them unique is that the technique is unknown- so im going to keep it that way, sorry...
The first and last shots are brilliant, i cant even figure out how you got that effect. Its just amazing... However, if you keep making the same type of shot it doesnt make it any more unique in comparison to if everyone made a couple. Either way people will still get bored of seeing the same effect from you. Originality is a huge thing, but it only works once.
Thanks! But although i dont have a large variety of qualities like da Vinci to make my work special, its unique in respect to the fact that its my style and im accredited for it. i [currently] have a monopoly on it- putting my work on the spotlight for those interested in my effect. Revealing it to the community would spur an overwhelming amount of similar screenshots and id be drowned out and forgotten almost instantly. Id rather enjoy 5 minutes of fame first and be noted for it, as apposed to being lost... Plainly put, exclusivity is self rewarding to those holding the rights. Its like i have a patent right now to protect the individuality of my work, but overtime others will have access to my knowledge. I understand fully that the initial response will become dull eventually, if many are floating around, so the best course is to prevent an overflow and limit its use to make the few in existence more valuable/respected ... letting the community make millions of these screenshots would really make it worn out. Originality only works once, but commonplace is cliché.
Screenshots in this section should be unedited. Just kidding, I know they're not. The first is my favorite. Great position, fantastic lighting and the picture quality is very high. I'm not too big a fan of the second and third because of how blurry they are. The second is alright but you can't really see anything in the third and so there's way too much unused space. All the other ones are good, sixth one has a funny position but I'm loving the spartan in the last picture. Maybe if you could have made the lighting for that one be like in the second picture.
thanks, and all the ones that you like are the newest ones that ive done. The green one is the "premier shot" which is the first photo i took using this effect, as for the second one...its clear in game and its a dark black w/ vivid colors (maybe just my tv, idk) but it looks 10x better than online
thats some sexy stuff bud. now that you are featured on the bungie blog, want to release how to do it? especially since you are verified as the founder. doooo it. dooooo it. doooo it. doooo it. dooooo it. dooooo it. doooo it. dooooo it. doooo it. but srsly, do it for us man. we need this.
this is pretty easy, get a black backround, shoot a plasma shot, look through it. The effect is very nice however, it has a very calm feel to it. I give them overall a 10/10 Having some experience with shots though, there's no way in hell you'll ever be the only person in the world to know how to do an effect.
Ill agree with: lol, ill release it in due time but for now it will remain a mystery... sorry Appreciate the rating, and i know i wont be the only one who will ever do it... in fact ive seen ppl who have touched base with the technique in one way or another, i just have it more developed and got to it first... bwahahahahaha!
Plasma shots? Lols I was doing it a completely different way.... But your right though.. You are the master of this style not gonna lie
im surprised! lol, pretty much the same style from the looks of this :Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details : also i know your doing something different by the reflection on the eva helmet, never seen that before in any variation ive done... also thanks for the title, lmao