Is there any way to make zombies spawn at a different spot after a certain amount of time in a zombie game? I know you can always block them with fusion coils then have the fusion coils blow up but I would prefer a way that looks better and doesn't cost as much. I tried putting the spawn points to not spawn at start, set the spawn time, then set the spawn sequence to 2 but this didn't work either. Did I just mess something up or is there no easy way to do this? Thanks for the help guys.
Spawning items are not affected by spawn timers. At the the moment the best way to do it is block them.
I've got something that MIGHT help. If the zombies are all spawning in one general location, you could add a teleport sender node to appear after the set amount of time you want. Make sure that the area of the teleport encompasses all of the zombie spawn nodes. Put the receiver nodes on the same channel where you want the new spawn points to be. The zombies will spawn at their original points, but once the teleporter is active, they'll be moved automatically to one of the receiver nodes at random. A friend suggested this setup to me while I was working on an Infection map. He thought it might be interesting to give the humans a 30-second head start so we tried isolating the zombies in an area they couldn't escape from and have the sender node spawn in 30 seconds after game start. If you think that sounds helpful, I still have an older version of the map that has this. Let me know, and I'll see about putting it up on my File Share for you to look at.
I see what you are talking about and it is actually a pretty good idea. Thanks for the tip. Now I just have to try to find the money for two teleporters...
A good idea, though I must make the tangentially-relevant point that it'd be (and feel) a bit smoother to, in that specific case, place the zombies in a hallway that takes ~30 seconds to move through, and have an omnipresent Teleporter at the end. That way, it feels less like waiting.
That's a definite improvement on the idea. I had to drop it from my map, though. I was under the impression that the INF_SPAWN flag would designate one set of spawns for the Infected. Now that I know that isn't the case, I'd have to cut other game types from the map. (I'd set it up for Assault and CTF as well as Team Slayer - for up to four teams of four.) Still, you never know where a good idea might resurface.
PROTIP(S): Gametype-specific Blue spawns for Infection Gametype-specific spawn blockers for Infection, blocks other Blue spawn points (Could something just barely sticking out of the ground, but above the spawn point, work? Or would the player just spawn standing on it?)