Hoover Dam (need help)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by theetechkid, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. theetechkid

    theetechkid Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is my first attempt at creating a competitive map (mainly have created race tracks). I need help figuring out how to fill space in my building in front of the dam and make the map equal competitive and fun. Hopefully you can help. If you would like to help me forge this map let me know.









    #1 theetechkid, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    You could make the game take place inside the dam with a few walkways on the front and some underwater parts, but for a game outside of the dam the way it is set up now, one team will get an overpowering advantage from controlling the dam. You could at least post this in the aesthetics section because the dam looks great.
  3. Prototape

    Prototape Forerunner
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    I agree... Make the map inside the dam, otherwise gameplay would be extremely awkward with the huge dam wall on one side and something else on the other that throws the feel of the dam way off. Either that or the dam wall could be pretty much aesthetic, and put a building in front of the main building under the dam. You could keep the battle area in between said buildings.
    I just cant think of anything of equal size that you could put in front of the dam that wouldn't look ugly.
  4. theetechkid

    theetechkid Forerunner
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    Well i have yet to finish the side buildings covering the turbines would that help the balance? I want to try and make my competitive map as is, i am having trouble on how to implement a structure inside the dam that would really work..
  5. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    I think that if you want a more competitive edge, you should remove access to the top of the dam. For one, once you get up there, it'll remove the illusion that it's holding back an impressive amount of water. It would also remove any unfair height / range advantage of the controlling team. Perhaps you could focus combat between the two "forks" (the platforms over the water). You could add bridges and what-not to facilitate the flow across rather than just around at the base of the dam.
  6. lncendios

    lncendios Forerunner

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    I would agree with Grief, have two bases, one on each walkway, and make the dam contain sniper perches or a power weapon.

    Another great way to use this map is invasion, make the phases be all assualt. Each one would blow up part of the dam and at the end you could have a loud explosion like the water was about to come rushing out.
  7. MidnightGenesis

    MidnightGenesis Forerunner

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    I wish forge had water items; the fact that the dam has no water on either side really throws off the authenticity for me.
  8. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Yeah... dam forge.

    /bad pun
  9. theetechkid

    theetechkid Forerunner
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    Thats what makes it funny. lol And to comment on everyone else i will try and take your advice but considering this is my first map i want to perfect the layout so if any of you or anyone general would like to help i would really appreciate it!
  10. Juke777

    Juke777 Forerunner

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    The inside looks like it's a start to a good competitive map, but I agree with everyone that the outside might be a tough place to use for a competitive map. It looks awesome though!
  11. Megadoug

    Megadoug Forerunner

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    Reminds me of the Sherman Dam....hehe.
  12. Whoah, my first impression is wow, this map looks amazing. But I have to agree with some of the replies, one team might have a large advantage over the other team if they control the top part. The dam looks great, and you could make it an Asymetric map with like One Bomb, or One Flag, but if you're going to do that, then I suggest putting lots of cover for the Invading Team. Anyways good luck on the map, and can't wait until you release it.

    - Vincent [iiNFamous452]​
  13. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    This is what I would personally do:
    1. Make the dam slightly shorter so that the top edges are at the same level as Montana and Alaska.
    2. Get rid of the bottom buildings, or just don't make the outsides reachable.
    3. Build bases on Montana and Alaska close to the dam's edges and block off the rest with walls or kill barriers, depending on budget (do this at the end).
    4. Build rooms inside of the dam itself.

    Essentially what you would end up with is a map just like Narrows or Gephyrophobia... The dam would be the bridge and you would have numerous tunnels underneath to get to the other side.

    I actually got the idea to do this myself from Fallout New Vegas, but never got around to doing it. I remember going to Hoover Dam and seeing all the sandbags and **** they had, and I was like "Dude, this would make a sweet symmetrical Reach map."
    #13 Twelve, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  14. theetechkid

    theetechkid Forerunner
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    Those are some definite good ideas. I will definitely make another version and see how it works. But as of right now i have made the two piers almost completely covered with man cannons to traverse to each side. I have added a structure on top of the main building, which i have a passage way that leads to the top of the dam. Mainly due to the fact that there is now cover on most of the map, i feel it would be hard to dominate from the top of the dam, i will upload photos of my latest version once windows live is back up. Thanks for all the advice guys.

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