
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by rbenhase, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
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    Mint takes place inside a fairly large multi-level complex, featuring in-your-face competitive gameplay amid some beautiful scenery.


    YouTube - Mint - Awesome Halo Reach Custom Map Variant by

    Though aesthetically pleasing, Mint is simple and clean, placing most of its emphasis on gameplay. The many uninterrupted lines of sight, in addition to plenty of vertical gameplay, are reminiscent of Halo 2's Colossus and even Halo 3's Construct, but this map nonetheless has an identity of its own.


    Mint's three main levels are tied together by a glass-enclosed central elevator which slowly transports players to a "loft" at the top of the map, where they will find the Rocket Launcher. But don't worry about there being too many floors; this map is quite open and easy to navigate, meaning that someone on the first or second floor ought to be concerned about a player on the third or fourth floors, and vice-versa.


    While it's optimized for Slayer (both Team Slayer and FFA Slayer), Mint also supports a variety of objective gametypes and works well with any armor abilities (the distance between floors means that jet packs, though useful in places, are not excessively dominant).*Thanks to a meticulous attention to detail (and proved true by quite a bit of testing), the map's weapon placement and lines of sight are well-balanced and certain to enhance gameplay.


    Weapons on Map:

    DMR x 5
    Needle Rifle x 2
    Needler x2
    Plasma Rifle x 2
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Sniper Rifle x1
    Shotgun x 1
    Plasma Pistol x 1
    Frag Grenade x 2
    Plasma Grenade x2

    No Vehicles

    Recommended Players: 4-12

    Optimized for Team Slayer and FFA Slayer. Also supports Assault, Capture the Flag, Infection, King of the Hill &*Oddball.


    Download this Map
    #1 rbenhase, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2010
  2. MaxedOut522

    MaxedOut522 Forerunner

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    I did a walkthrough of this map and it's pretty solid. The lift is extremely well done and the overall look of the map is really neat, with no z-fighting or whatever it's called going on. The weapons are well balanced and the overall feel of the map is smooth. Awesome job man, you have my dl.
  3. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. Z-Fighting is something that I can't tolerate on my maps, so I took considerable pains to make sure this one stayed clean.

    I hope you enjoy playing on it... let me know how that goes!
  4. YourInnerChild

    YourInnerChild Forerunner

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    Very nice (from the pics and video). I worry about the openness of the large inner space but we'll see how it plays at our next big game.
  5. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
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    Thanks. From my experience in play-testing, the large inner space wasn't an issue, as the majority of gameplay was generally centered on the main lift and the outside portion. There is a lot of openness in that inside central area, but there's generally enough escape routes and nearby cover for those who do happen to find themselves vulnerable.

    If you don't want to risk cutting through the open middle, you can always use the outside ramps (on each side) to make it up to the top.

    Rockets are admittedly very powerful on this map, but they're limited to four shots and a long respawn time, so I don't anticipate this causing any problems, especially with the Sniper Rifle on the other side of the map to counter them.

    When you get a chance to play, let me know how it goes. I'm very interested in feedback.
  6. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    In my opinion, just from watching the video, I think this has serious MatchMaking potential. I know we're not really supposed to post things like "cool map bro" without even downloading and actually getting some playtime on the map, and I know I didn't really add any constructive criticism and whatnot, but wow, I'm speechless from the video. Amazing forging right here.
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Dude.... this map.... beautiful. I cannot think of how else to describe it. SO much green! It really contrasts well with the rest of the non forged scenery. (since most of good ol FW is green) LOS (lines of sight) seem to be generally balanced. FOr example it seems like a sniper would have a good view of the open center but would not work to well from anything other than it's spawn and the highest ground. That's usually a flaw in most competitive is the LOS give the sniper or DMR user plenty of room to be their wussy camping little sniping selves. and even then stuff like the shotgun doesn't get to OP (overpowered) in the tighter spaces. This was as well built as it was thought out and balanced. This has my Dl for sure, and I don't Dl many competitives.
  8. II Show Tyme II

    II Show Tyme II Forerunner
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    So far just by looking at the pics and watching the video it looks OFF THE HOOK! I am going to download this one right now! I'll post my review once I have done my run through..
  9. xXdrewbaccaXx

    xXdrewbaccaXx Ancient
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    Alright, so I'm going to type this as I forge through it. Just to mention some things that I can tell might pose a problem to gameplay.

    Green Spawn. Ledges beside the door at ramps. Might cause some fail jumps jumping from the ramps. Not a major thing. Just something that urks me...I don't like jumps that might disrupt my flow.

    Map center, Ramps up, pull each one towards the center of the map 1 point on the X-axis. They are a little narrow, and players rushing those ramps will get jammed up.

    Rocket Spawn I think will be the Gold Lift from Construct in this map.

    Aside from that, until I get a chance to actual rock this beast in a few custom games, that's all I can comment on.

    The map itself looks stellar. Things are very concise and clean. Good use of color on your objects. Map looks great. We'll just have to see if it plays great as well.

  10. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
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    Thanks, everyone, for the positive feedback. I'm glad to hear everyone is impressed. I'm convinced that this map plays well, but I would love to hear your thoughts as well once you all get a chance to play a few games. I'm all for good old constructive criticism.

    Also, if you like it, please click the LIKE button on! This will be my submission to the Forgetacular Map Contest and, while I doubt that the number of "likes" will have any impact on my chances of winning, it certainly can't hurt!

    The link: : Halo Reach : File Details

    Thanks again everyone.
  11. flaminghelmet

    flaminghelmet Forerunner

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    Holy crap!

    I've always been a fan of your maps, but this is the best by far. And from what I've heard, you've been working on this one for quite a while.

    The main elevator is simply awesome. There's nothing cooler than watching people slowly glide up to the top. Yes, I think the Rocket spawn will be a lot like the top of the yellow lift on Construct, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I don't think it will get too crowded.

    The video doesn't give you a great look at the sides or the outdoor section (it mostly stays in the main room), but those parts of the map are anything but afterthoughts. The way you ran a tunnel through that beautiful slanted glass wall is ingenius.

    This map is not too open. If you had 16 players, maybe it would be a bit crowded. But I like that you can see across the map and get from place to place quickly.

    For a second I was concerned that there weren't enough spawns, but then I loaded the map up in Forge and saw that there are over 50 respawn points! That must mean they are well-hidden and carefully placed to prevent spawn killing.

    Weapon balance is great, aesthetics are nice, and I must say... this is possibly the best map I have ever seen for Reach. You really outdid yourself.
  12. Drummerboi420

    Drummerboi420 Forerunner

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    I'm diggin' it man, Very visually pleasing, nice flow and the verticals are def reminiscent of Construct, I enjoyed this very much, but the top mid needs more cover.
  13. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    You are one awesome forger man, very talented indeed. Honestly, I would love to play this map in matchmaking. Even from looking at the pictures, I knew that this map was awesome, then I watched the video. The gameplay looks fantastic. One last thing, that lift is epic.
  14. kingeedorah

    kingeedorah Forerunner

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    This is a fantastic map. I really like the layout, and it's very visually pleasing (the elevator shaft, glass walls, etc.), but still nice and simple (in a good way) and cleanly forged. Bravo. This will definitely be holding a spot on my hard drive for a long time to come. If you aren't already planning on it, I'd submit this for the Forgetacular contest, it would make a great matchmaking map.
  15. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    I made an elevator in my map using the large walkway covers, but I like your version better. A lot more. Also, much like the killballs in the large antenna, and the tree in the middle of the map named Vanilla, I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of that glass windowed elevator from now on.
  16. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Just DL'd it, can't wait to play it. Looks gorgeous! Both you're maps do actually... You're instantly my favorite Reach Forger, seriously. Not only do they not look like giant walls of grayness, they aren't typical 2 base symmetrical rehash either! Love it!
  17. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
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    Wow, thanks for all the kind words, everyone. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and encouraging... I'm glad that some of you would like to see this in Matchmaking, and I hope Bungie agrees (yes, this will be my submission to the Forgetacular Map Contest).

    My concern is that Bungie will see the lift and decide that it's too unconventional, as the objects which make it up are being used in ways that go against their normal function (especially the one-way shields). But it works perfectly and, in my opinion, looks pretty sweet.

    Anyway, thanks for the "likes" on, too. If you really enjoy this map, please recommend it to your friends (and let me know so I can thank you personally)!

    Oh, and a recommendation for a feature on ForgeHub would be nice, too ;-)

    (Shameless ploy over).
  18. teabagger

    teabagger Forerunner

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    Amazing. I am new to ForgeHub, but I am very impressed. I had no idea people could make maps this good on Halo Reach. I think this one could definitely be in Matchmaking. That lift is incredible!

    I only wish there was a sword.... JK. Super map.

    Edited by merge:

    Also how did you embed the video in your post? I dont see any guides on here for that and am looking to make my own post with my own map soon. I just want to make sure i do everything right because it seems like they take things very seriously around here....

    But once again sweet map, thank you for posting it so I can download.
    #18 teabagger, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  19. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
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    Welcome to the site. If I remember correctly, embedding a video is as simple as pasting the URL into your post, but FYI, that kind of question doesn't really belong in this thread. If you need more help, try a different forum (i.e. customer service).

    Also, I'm glad that you like my map, but since you're new, I should probably tell you that you're supposed to have something constructive and useful to say about the map (not just "this is good"). Make sure you give it a download and come back with helpful comments and criticisms after you've played it. Thanks!
  20. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Didn't DL because I have too much on my plate right now, but I have a question: Why name it 'Mint'? Every time I'd play on it I'd want to get some gum...

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