Backwater Creek A Co-Forge Map by ItZ DuldeN and Dr Killmore Is this Deja Vu? Welcome one and all to my new map, Backwater Creek. As you can see it is a Beaver Creek remake. And from what some people said, one of the best. Because of it's accurate looking rocks, it's nice grassy ground, and shallow creek it's been seen as a favorite. Although you may see some changes, like how we had to change the basement system into an attic system. Also the red base has a slant at the entrance, if we didn't do this the red base would be extremely high off the ground due to the rough Forge World ground. Dang Bungie. If venture off to the sides of the bases you'll notice that it looks quite a bit different, again this is due to Forge World not being made for Beaver Creek. So please don't complain, I made it as best as I could. But, don't worry this map isn't insanely different. The rock arch is quite accurate, same with the sniper ledge. Please don't blame me for the metal house on the sniper though, we ran a little low on rocks. Blame Bungie. Also the weapons are almost perfectly accurate to Beaver Creek. The only differences are a plasma repeater under the arch, and AR's at the front of the base. Even though the pistol and BR were in the tunnel, I tried to make them as accurate as we could with no tunnel. Now spawns, one of the hardest things to perfect is Forge that might seem easy. Obviously I can't go into Halo 2 and just look at those little circles on the ground and copy them. I had to improvise. But from the games we played they might be a little better then Bungie spawns. NOW, how bout some pics? PICS! Let's start with the overview Blue Base, isn't it beautiful? Top of Blue Base, yes there's still windows Here you can see the attic system Here's the arch, with the rockets That's the sniper tower, it's a little different Here's the blue back room, yes it supports CTF There's the over shields Here's the top of red base That's the side of red base That's the side of blue base Let's finish it up with the back of the red base So, now you all have seen my map. BUT I have a few special shout outs Huge thanks to: Dr Killmore: he did A LOT. He helped with spawns, the rocks, gametypes, the inside of the base, and decorations. P1MPxSLaSH: Added the little side areas, and suggested stuff. Fasteddie304: testing and suggestions Captain STFU: Helped with proportions of the bases Vantier Raleigh: helped test Well, if your still here and not playing this map, then please comment on what you think. Also if you think that this map has a lot of things not true to the original please read the top description. It will explain things up there. In case you missed the link WACHA
Dude the bases looks so sexy haha, great job on the map both of you im glad i could help with the dimensions etc, this weekend if ya'll aint busy we shall play. My Highlands map is done so we could just run a custom weekend, but still dude sweet it so seems like beaver creek except well you know the tunnels lol.
Yeah, it really sucks to not be able to have the basements. And you have NO idea how hard it was to make red base. I'm very proud on how it turned out. Also can't wait to see your High ground map, I'll DL for sure.
Nice post! Blame Bungie, lol. I'm really glad how this turned out. This reminds me so much of Beaver Creek I have a serious case of Deja Vu. If this isn't the best Beaver Creek remake please tell me what is. I hope everyone has as much fun playing it as I did making it!
A Decent Remake. Though every remake can't be 100% perfect from previous games. There are alot of things that make this the closest remake so far. You guys should stick together, if all your maps look this amazing. You should have no problem in the future. I'll give it a download, comment about it later.
If you go on halo 2 and run around after running around on this you will see that the differences are huge. -Back alleys were much more spacious -Beaver creek had no ramps up and down, + all those geometry ground height changes in general -On beaver creek on halo 2 you ould jump on top of the bases "struts" on the front of the bases - You didn't have to jump to get on the back part of the base - Rocks at the side of your bases are like 4 times the size they were in halo 2 - You could walk up and down over the flag area on halo 2 - The halo 2 version had no ramps to the front of the base or sides of the bases I could go on guys... This remake is obviously not meant to be a a exact remake, Son don't judge it as such. This Eats the cake out of any remake in terms of being a carbon copy of geometry. Hate on me all you like but it's a fact.. This map sure has nicer aesthetics but personally i'll go for gameplay over aesthetics any day..
Very well done!! The thing that impressed me about the map is the location you used. Actual water ^^. Makes this one to be the most aesthetic maps. However theres also a con with the location theres a HUGE AZZ ROCK!!!! Idk if it was put there in the map originally or if you wanted it there. For the next version i sugjest to make the rocks smaller (if it was editor CREATED!). Overall i really like the map. 4/5
actually I believe they said they scaled it perfectly. It is the original size. and gameplay it just like the Halo2 map despite the changes. This map here is a map of its own, but it plays well to the Beaver Creek fans for sure
Really... does that remind you anything of Beaver Creek? Sure it's more exact geometry wise - but it's made out of metal, has zero water, and absolutely no grass. It doesn't have bumps in the ground or even a natural looking creek. That, my friend, looks like it was made by a robot. This is the best we could do as far as looks went, and the only noticable differences are the extra default Forge World rocks and the lack of the underground bases (which I think we did a good job of substituting). Our bases had to have ramps up to them, otherwise they'd be floating. Get your facts straight. Basically, our map really caught the vibe of Beaver Creek. No, it is not perfect, but it's about as good as it could get. Oh, and we did scale it almost perfectly, that's where Mr Captn STFU came in.
Yeah bro this map isn't a perfect reamke, if you wana go all awal ask the op's to add the option of posting "Inspired" or "ReImagination" instead of remake, as for the size i walked blue base and told them as they forged how long it should be, idk about red base i told them to make it the same but it seems like i might be a little off. No i didn't measure the front and i forgot about the jumps, yes you are right there, as for the rocks, one is default so you can't do jack about it thats why its so big, 2 the other rocks make it so you can access the roof or are default rocks that are in the map. How about the next time you criticize the map about playability etc instead of OMG you said it was a remakz and itz not rawr rawr rawr rawr, because trust me that is getting really old. If someone wants to make a map that is really aesthetically close and plays similar to the old maps they will do it but it won't be exact. Reason why you ask? Because forgeworld is not set up geometry wise to make exact remakes without wasting huge amounts of budget and aesthetics to make it so. Yes Nobel Creek may be exact but is it bueatiful to look at? I personally hate all metal maps, I understand the need to do it that way to get the scale right but im sure if i loaded up Halo 2 (because i can at the same time i play Reach) and walk around that map some stuff will be off also. Oh and btw Killmore, Battle Creek is halo ce not halo 2 lol =p
I played several games on this map and to me it brings out all the fun that beaver creek was in halo 2. And it isnt just a metal box with bases and junk.
Nice, but not Great. It's lovely aesthetically, and it's plays decently, but those default rocks are just so annoying. To be honest, in both CE and Halo 2 the river looked like a shield door. I suggest moving the map to the Quarry, making the river out of Shield Doors and using Tunnel Pieces for what used to be the "Tubes". Also, as an optional, aesthetic change you could place bits of metal at the bottom of the indents in the Quarry, as if the ground has worn away, revealing the Forerunner origins of the map and raising the bases. Then I would say this was the best Beaver Creek Remake. Otherwise I really like it. You got my DL anyways Edit: For the description (if you use my ideas) you could put "The water in this war-torn creek dried up many years ago, leaving only a Forerunner hologram in its place" or "The constant battle in this tranquil creek has worn away the earth beneath it, revealing its Forerunner origins"
This is by far the best brever creak remake I 've seen so far. You obviously have found the absolute best spot to put it (You have a nice little river for aythentisisty). The buildings and the middle arch look amazing. My only question is how did you do the lader for the sniper area, if there is a ramp going one way isn't that unfair for the other team?(If that is what is replacing the ladder.)
That has already been done, In such as to be a carbon copy of halo 2's in terms of geometry. Aesthetics do not make a map, The design and playability of the map does. 1st off i will correct you Battle creek was halo 1s version Beaver creek was halo 2's version The map is not scaled correctly whatsoever, you can defend your map all you like but it is not, Scaling includes ground levels and geometry fyi. 2 points in which this map has huge differences in compared to halo 2. And i will end by repeating again Gameplay > Aesthetics. Not to mention your blockoff wall is not made out of rocks like halo 2's was and thus is not aesthetically pleasing, another fact which de-merits your argument. Because this map sacrificed the underground bases and the original geometry layout just to make the map around including water and grass means this map will never play like halo 2's beaver creek. That my friend is a fact, Go ahead and defend this all you want nothing will change that fact.
Is your map not getting enough attention or something? You seem to be overly concerned about the exactness of the map, when it's perfectly clear from the pictures that it's a re-imagining of Beaver Creek. Get that stick out of your ass, dude.
Thankyou Squid Hands seriously lol, well after playing on it a little i say its still a good re imagination of Beaver/Battle Creek, i think ya'll (maybe me included) need to go back in and scale red base to the same size as blue base though, oh and the ladders i forgot about those in battle creek, adding them to this would be cool, then you would have a walkway and a ladder, just some suggestions ya'll hit me up this weekend and we can discuss a v2, id love to help you guys ya'll make a really great team.
On the contrary my map has been featured on episodes of old spice, and has had 18,000 thread views, and 30,000+ Downloads. That is in no way why im here. Im am here responding to the creators saying: "we did scale it perfectly" and "If this isn't the best Beaver Creek remake please tell me what is. I hope everyone has as much fun playing it as I did making it!" and statements such as: "actually I believe they said they scaled it perfectly. It is the original size. and gameplay it just like the Halo2 map despite the changes". Something i am entitled to do.
I have news for you; you are entitled to nothing on the internet. And I know exactly why you're here. You think you have the final say on a particular map remake because your awesome map has received awesome downloads and been on awesome commercials. I'm here to tell you that not only does your sense of entitlement and the whoring of your own map in another person's thread make you look like a complete and utter douchebag, but to also point out the fact that if this map looked like **** you wouldn't have responded to it in the first place. Sorry to derail the thread, OP. I'll get some games on it when I can and leave something that resembles constructive feedback.
Actually in the context of these forums anyone is entitled to give feedback and respond on quotes people have put across. So you couldn;t be more wrong there.. Also all of the above that you say about me personally is 100% wrong. And is merely a complete guess at my intentions which makes you look like more of a douchebag. I gave Feedback in my first reply, which was responded to, And i responded back. As simple as that and in no way depicts imaginary intentions that you think i might have. Agreed, This is what i way trying to get across in the first place...
This would fit as a SPIRITUAL remake, not a pixel remake, but it seems very well made, looks pretty too, I'll download and take a look. PS: you should make a list of weapons/powerups with their respawn time, it would be helpful.