Downlaod Links: Renegade v3 Map Summary: This is a adaptation of my Halo 3 Map. The idea behind this map was to have more maps with aerial combat and making the gulch area more playable for players on the ground. There's lots of vertical cover for banshee's to take cover from and the opening banshee battle plays much like Valhalla. To help increase map movement there is a portal located at each base that leads to the middle structure at the same end. Video: Youtube Video Weapons/Vechicles and Equipment: Banshee x2 - 180 Falcon - 180 Mongoose x4 - 30 Revenant x2 - 135 Warthog x2 - 90 HealthPacks x3 30 seconds at each base. 45 seconds on mid Concussion Rifle x2, 1clip - 90 Multiple DMR's + Needle Rifles Shotgun x2, 1clip - 150 GrenadeLauncher x2 - 120 Rockets x2, 1clip - 180 Neutral Laser - 180 Sniper x2 - 180 Plasma Pistol x3 - respawn times vary Plasma Reater x2 - 30 Neutral Sword - 180 Neutral Turret - 180 *run time max on snipers is 3. *run time max on rockets is 3. *run time max on laser is 2. Screenshots: Overview: Base Views:[img] [U]Sniper located inside:[/U] [IMG] Middle Structure: Action Shots: If you guys could rate the fileshare items that would be great Special Thanks: RubbrDuckE for the banner, Yozified, HaloWheelmen and The WorkPLace. Also Gibran for the video :] Chances are my thumbnail isn't going to work as I've yet to get it to work. So if it dosen't work can a mod fix it Any image here will be fine. Thanks.
Based on the pictures this looks like the best gulch map i've seen yet!! the bases and the center structure look fantastic, but the only thing i can tell from the pictures is that in the first picture i can tell that the center structure has parts that seem to lack some cover. But this is just going by the pictures. i will download, and hopefully remember to edit my post.
`I just had some BTB matches on this map with freinds. the comments i got were "OMG EPIC" "This is legendary, man" so feel proud Now my turn for commentary. Very good gameplay and as far as i can see there arnt any strongholds(areas that when captured guarantee the win) so im glad about that. Overall i would give this map an honest score. 1000000/10 Looking forward to seeing more maps
`I just had some BTB matches on this map with freinds. the comments i got were "OMG EPIC" "This is legendary, man" so feel proud Now my turn for commentary. Very good gameplay and as far as i can see there arnt any strongholds(areas that when captured guarantee the win) so im glad about that. Overall i would give this map an honest score. 1000000/10
The lack of cover on the middle structure is intentional as I didn't want that area to be too overpowered or very easy to hold. It's more to give players on the ground cover from vechicles and to block sight lines. Going by the other comments posted it looks like this is working :] Also the thumbnail didn't work for me so can a mod fix that? Thanks.
I downloaded and did a run/drive/fly-through of the map - and I have to say, excellent work! This truly is a map I'd love to see in BTB matchmaking. The bases actually feel like bases instead of random Forge pieces thrown together, and the middle of the map is phenomenal. There are certainly plenty of anti-vehicle weapons to go around too. I would maybe consider reducing the Rocket Launcher's spare clips to 0. Having a Falcon at the center mixes things up too. I can see it being very useful, yet not overpowered. One thing I would like to mention are the teleporters. For both teams, it feels like I come out facing a weird direction. But that's just nitpicking. Way to put a soft kill barrier on top of the middle dish. I was about to set up with a Sniper up there Awesome map, and I can't wait to have some epic battles on it. A worthy spiritual successor to Valhalla.
I originally had the plasma launcher instead of Rockets but you got far too many shots with that and it could lock onto players and the warthogs something I didn't really want. I meant to set the rockets to 0 clips but I guess I overlooked that, pretty easy to fix though. Yea I've tried making these as best as possible because in reach which ever direction you enter the portal will be the direction you come out. So that can lead to it being weird sometimes. I've tried to setup it up were the player would walk into the forward but if walk backwards into it or anything that's not directly forward you're going to come out weird. Lol yea don't want people camping up there. Low enough for banshee's to fly over but highenough so players can't camp up there. Glad you like it.
Opps, my bad. Fixed Thanks. That was the aim so that aerial combat is balanced with combat on the ground. Here's some old gameplay from version 1 of the map that had the plasmalauncher instead of rockets. Link
wow so many things to say about this map. It was really fun, more fun than hemorrhage. 1. The sniper lines are similar, but the building in the middle really added some cover for the middle, as with hemorrhage the sniper owns this map. 2. vehicles were a lot of fun, the bases provided enough cover that you could get some good revenant kills/splatters and banshees are fun to fly on such a large map. The addition of the falcon and lack of tank vehicles reallly made the map play much different than hemorrhage 3. Map played faster than hemorrhage, despite being roughly the same size, this was a good thing as hemorrhage often plays too slow 4. I heart spartan lasers. 5. overall a fun map, well designed, but most importantly the map is so much fun, there was alot of balance and neither team had too much advantage with regard to lines of sight, thanks to the middle structure.
Whoa, I must say, this is a very unique map that uses a style that I've never seen before in the canyon for BTB, though I have seen it in 4v4 maps. One concern that bothers me is that contested Falcon. Usually, on BTB maps that is ok, but the most viable means of taking it out is the Spartan Laser, also contested. On Valhalla, there were the Banshees that were given, and then the Spartan Laser was contested. My point is that you don't want one team to get a hold of the Spartan Laser and the Falcon. Maybe, if you move the Spartan Laser toward one side of the map and the Falcon toward the other a bit more in a way that they are still contested, but harder to take the other team's intended vehicle/weapon, yet still possible. I feel that this would be better for the maps overall layout. I like the idea of a contested Falcon, but the Spartan Laser also being contested might not be a good idea.
The map has been changed slightly to make it better for competitive play. The major changes are that the Falcon is removed, rockets are neutral and some slight gemotery changed. Youtube video Download Link
V3 looks good , BK! Two hogs per base FTW. The addition/return of the Neutral Falcon has me thinking it could be a defensive beast on Renegade.
Valhalla is already epic. This map is, too however. Out of the playlist version, the neutral falcon is a good idea, but I would prefer a neutral banshee and two falcons. Spawning is ok. My team left... all 7 of them, and i got angry that i couldn't spawn anywhere else. It was always in the bottom portion of the base. I do wish the Nade Launcher structure was closer to the base. It is pratically the same distance to nade launcher from the base and base to center. That's it. Honestly, this is my favorite Community map to date. P.S. How does one get a map in to matchmaking?
I'm sorry to disagree with everyone but for me, this map always leaves me feeling uncomfortable. If I stay back, I'm to far out of the action but if I go forward to the central structure I am exposed to the other side's long range fire. It may just be that I've had a bad few games on this map but it seems the only viable tactic is to sit back at your base with DMRs and the sniper and outwait the enemy. They get frustrated and push forwards and you just gun them down from afar. our long range guns deal with the infantry and your rockets, stickys and PP take out the vehicles. Man I can tell I'll get stick for this comment...
Thought I might as well share this update. Significant update: 02/06/11 Download Link:Renegade V3 This new version has been developed with the help from HWM Yozi and Matclan. The middle has been undergone some changes to help reduce the framerate issues by swapping out different pieces. It's not nearly as aesthetic but we considered framerate to be much more important. - The portals have been moved to under the dish. - Laser has been moved to the opposite side of mid. - Rockets are now at the health pack on mid which is a more neutral location. - A neutral Falcon is back. - There's now two hogs back at each base. - The Rocks have been redesigned which helps to block sightlines and give so much more cover. - The side towers have been redesigned. - Kill barrier exploits fixed. Overall we feel these are significant improvements. Video of new flythrough. Youtube vid Images: Mid redesign Side tower redesign Neutral Falcon Overview showing new rock layout which offers so much more cover Hopefully this fixes the framerate errors. Some minor things will need to be edited sightly. Let me know what you guys think of this version. The new rocks are the biggest improvement to gameplay I think. You longer have to run into a hail of DMR fire.
Sorry to say that but this map doesn't play that well in BTB. The biggest problem is, like valhalla the main power items spawn in the base (Sniper + Banshee) just that now they are 10x more powerful. It's very well forged though and a definite improvement over other gulch maps, just the weapon + vehicle placement sucks.