Deadeye was created with the spirit of Lockout/Guardian in mind. It is my first competitive map and I am hope it lives up to experiences of the maps that it proceeds. Red Base looking towards Blue Base Red Base sniper looking towards rocket spawn and bottom of blue base Rocket Spawn Blue Base bottom and sniper spawn Blue Base looking towards Red Base Power Weapons x1 Needle Rifle (each base) x1 DMR (each base) x1 Snipers (below each base) x1 Rocket Launcher (bottom middle) x1 Concussion rifle (Colosseum wall) x1 Shotgun (platform connecting each base with 2 room buildings) If anyone wants to play Customs on the map, I would love to play with you.
you need more pictures, of the inside of the map and just some basic map shots. I cant DL this ecause it just looks so pain. You have to temp me into downloading it....
Originally Posted by jonesmcmoney you need more pictures - I agree, looks pretty cool but I'd like to see a few more pics before downloading. Nice work though.
The map has no initial FFA spawns just kept spawning outside the map. Also no loadout camera set either. After changing to team slayer I was able to spawn finally. The map looks okay from the pics but when playing the map it seems very open with hardly anything blocking line of sight. I would suggest making some more cover. There are also a lot of ztargeting floor problems, I suggest not using coordinates so much. Also your weapon respawns and clips need to be tweaked the rockets have 6 rockets in them. Also there are no kill boundaries so you can get all the way across forgeworld with jet pack loadout. It is a good start I loved lockout and Guardian, but it needs some work. Look forward to improvements. If you'd like some help add me.
Thanks, I added you. I kinda wanted the LoS to be like that since the bottom of both Guardian and Lockout have a long LoS to each side. Though if play tests determine it plays better with more cover, I would change it.