Remake Purgatory

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by XplosiveDonut, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. XplosiveDonut

    XplosiveDonut Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Our second remake is complete! If you think this map is Damnation, then you are correct. We have worked long and hard to make this map perfect, and we got pretty darn close. We had to use most of the budget, I think we had $20 left when we finished. Everything is the same, and we were even able to make the map Jetpack proof. (Meaning, you may escape the map, but you wont escape death.)

    Map screenshots and a video walk-through will appear below, below that will be comparison pictures from Halo: CE, and below that is a link to our remake of Prisoner, titled Imprisonment.

    Map Description

    It seems the Covenant have taken a keen interest in this Forerunner hydro-processing center.
    Welcome to Purgatory

    Overview of Red spawn

    I'm very proud of that tunnel

    Down the tunnel into the room with the sniper

    An overview of the sniper room

    Tunnel to Red spawn on the right, my Spartan will be in the next few pictures to help you get oriented

    Sniper, and the ledge leading to the center three platforms

    Now were going into the next room, the stones were used for the pipes

    Upper walkway

    Doorway to sniper spawn, and a view of the rocks going to the roof

    The area opposite of Red spawn

    Same spot, but the camera is turned around.

    The plasma pistol on the floor is now a Needler.

    Red spawn, looking towards camo

    A very nice wall

    Sniper spawn, looking towards blue side wall

    Rocket spawn, ladders replaced with grav-lifts

    This is the view up the grav-lift

    Shotgun spawn below. Also the original map had a wall here with small slits you could look out of and see an island, well you can see an island in our map too!

    Shotgun spawn, there is now only one shotgun here.

    Blue spawn

    Blue spawn looking up the ramps

    A higher view

    The walkway above the center three platforms

    Teleporter and doorway to rocket spawn

    Video Walk-through
    In the video walk-through you will see me exploring the map, when I switch to the Jetpack I will attempt to escape from the map to show that it is impossible.

    Comparison pictures!




    CRAP! I forgot to post weapons.
    x2 DMRs
    x1 Magnum
    x1 Plasma Pistol
    x1 Shotgun
    x2 Sniper Rifles
    x1 Plasma Repeater
    x1 Grenade Launcher
    x2 Assault Rifles
    x4 Health Packs
    x2 Needlers
    x1 Rocket Launcher
    x1 Camo
    x1 Overshield
    x4 Frag Grenades
    x4 Plasma Grenades


    This is our previous remake, it had over 2,450 downloads before I removed the old version and replaced it with this one. The map is a super accurate remake, and here is the thread for it: Imprisonment

    #1 XplosiveDonut, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  2. xInfamous2x

    xInfamous2x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've been waiting for a good remake of Damnation for awhile now. I wanted to tackle it myself, but i'm very glad you did cause you did an excellent job. Thanks.
  3. XplosiveDonut

    XplosiveDonut Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, I'm glad you like the map! We worked very hard to get it perfect, and we weren't going to settle for anything less. I only wish we had a bigger budget so we could make a few things look nicer.

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