There are 3 kids; Robert, his younger brother Thomas, and his step brother Derrick. The 3 kids are all sitting at a round table in Derricks house. Derricks Mom, Martha, enters the room and places 50 one dollar bills in the center of the table, and says, "here is some money for ice cream!" immediately all three kids dive for the pile of money. Robert, who is the oldest and quickest, gets 48$ out of the 50$, while Derrick and Thomas only get 1$ each. Now Ice cream cost 2$, so Derrick and Thomas don't have enough money to by Ice cream for themselves. Knowing Robert, he won't give up any of his money, so Derrick yells, "MOOOOM!", and Martha runs into the room. After assessing the situation, Martha says to Robert, "Both Derrick and Thomas don't have enough money to buy Ice creme, why don't you give at least 1 dollar to each of them?". Robert suddenly jumps up and say, "NO! That's Socialist! I earned this money fair and square!" Thomas, who is easily swayed by the ideology of his older brother stands up and yells, "YA MARTHA! Your socialist and Marxist!". Derrick, trying to reason with Thomas, says, "Look, we only need 1$ each to buy ice-cream, he can still be rich, but he should at least give us 1 dollar." Thomas looks at Derrick and explains, "No!, that would be taking someones hard earned money and giving it to the lazy, and people who didn't earn it. Your just a momma's boy! Your just a socialist sheep!" Then Thomas turns to Martha and says, "your name is Martha, right? Well Martha is the name of that girl whose Bully Brother Hit our mail box with a baseball bat last year! That makes you a bully! Your a socialist bully!" And you moved here from South Kenya Street. "YA!" Robert exclaims as he shoves the 48$ in his pockets, "In fact, next time we hang out, let's go to my Dad's house again.." Derrick, who is still partially dumbstruck by Thomas comment, says, "No! All we did last time is spend a bunch of money on eggs that we through at that girl, Martha's house for no reason remember?!" "You're the one to talk..." Robert Retorted "You Mom just spent 50$ on ice cream!" Thomas suddenly cuts in; "Ya, and... er.. actually I disagree with everyone! Ya that's it! Actually we should go to my house and my mom will buy us ICE CREAM!!" Darrick and Robert both facepalm.
What is this I dont even... I dont get it... Some sort of Socialist-Communist structure reference or something?...
Well.. it is an allegory.. I'm just seeing if anyone would get it.. there is the possibility that it's too obscure
YUP! well, at least that's I was originally going for, though now that I look at it, I may have made it more broad than that.. I was trying to be unopinionated, though I quickly realized that that's impossible..
Thomas=the idiots that make up 90% of society that just accept what everyone else does, just because everyone else accepts it. sorry Thom, but its true...