MLG Gridlock v1 An MLG map made by Xx i4ml3g3nd xX MLG Gridlock features four bases, two main points and two "backups" as i call them. It has a lot of open space with only a few places to take cover for max intensity. It has twelve battle rifles on instant respawn, four carbines, one in every base, set at sixty second respawns, a mauler in the bottom middle set at a ninety second respawn, a custom power-up set at a one-hundred and twenty second respawn, and eight plasma grenades set at thirty second respawns. Please leave feedback and tell me if there's anything you think should be fixed. Oh and if you could leave some comments on bungie if you DL it would be much appreciated Bottom of a "backup" base Red Base Blue Base Middle of the map Top of a "backup" base Download MLG Gridlock v1 Map Download MLG TS v4 Game Variant Download MLG CTF Ons v4 Game Variant P.S. Please leave comments on bungie it would be very much apreciated thanks
Your pics still aren't working. You first need to upload them from bungie to your computer. Then put them on an iamge hosting site such as imageshack then take the urls you get then you can embedd them.
Well the point is that he still needs to famiarize himself with how BB codes work and embedding before posting again.
There you go, BBcode is fixed, and one picture is there, judging by that pic, that contains interlocking and an interesting base, I can't wait for the others.
gratz on fixing the picture but now that you did that you may want to add more we get a good view of one small part of the map but whats gonna make us download it? you need to get more pictures and some action shots next time before you put your map up, "if you spend little time making a new map forum, people will spend little time looking at it"
You need to upload screenshots to imageshack and embed them, it only takes a second and I'll only do it for you once. The post is in bbc code, take a look at it to see what you need to do for future map posts. The images should always be embeded into the post like this so it's easier to see them. Regarding html code, only admins can use it, everyone should be fine with the bbc code. Also, the map does look pretty good, but isn't something that particularly interests me.
This map looks really good, but you might want to change the name to something different because there is a LOT named Gridlock.
Set it to resize for message boards before uploading on imageshack, it looks better. Also, just put the image inside the "center" tags. It centers everything until you close it. The map is looking better though, now that you have a third picture. Also, be sure to turn off "thumbnail mode" before copying the code.
This map looks great, one of the better mlg maps. I think they should dedicate a forum just to mlg forge maps, just by looking at this map! DLing immediately!
Thank you and i agree that they should they should make an mlg forge forum... can you leave a comment on bungie cuz i want to bump it.
Nah, they shouldn't make an MLG section, then everyone would want other sections for other types of specialized maps. It is fine as it is, and your map is definately a solid MLG map too.