After playing a game of Invasion: Slayer i checked everybody's File Share and i saw someone who had a saved film where he played as a jackal. I will upload it to my file share nao so you can see it. My GT is: oscarvdhooft.
That hack isn't mine. It is from another guy and i downloaded it to my File Share so you could see it.
It is also possible to get perma-fileshare banned for hacked content, or videos displaying hacked content in your fileshare. I'd definitely remove that soon, because it happened to a friend and now hes all depressed.
Yeah, regardless of the fact it isnt yours, its still in your FileShare, and you CAN and WILL get banned unless you remove it.
Trust me they're freakin' strict up the ass. My Halo 3 fileshare got banned two days before Halo: Reach came out. All I did was accidently upload a modded picture for no more than two seconds by mistake. Then Bam! Of course I don't really care, but it just sucks to know that it's banned.
Funny you got banned on H3 only a couple days before reach. I had modded gametypes in my fileshare for the longest time... well I guess they were just overloaded snowbounds and instant respawn glitches but still.
I've had a video in my Halo 3 file share of two Bungie employees modding on Valhalla for 6 months now and I've never been banned. However, that could be because the modding was done by Bungie employees, and if they banned me it would be their own fault because they released that video.
Okay this thread no longer has a purpose, and its gone way off topic because people dont have the common sense to let dead stuff die. :lock: