great infection map. nedds a lot of people. full party is best. 3 rounds. only needs 2 zombies at start. zombies should get swords and be slightly faster. humans get BR's. beat down the obsticels in your way to get to the end. humans also should get swords as secondary. takes a while to beat, if you can. get 2 peoploe to shoot the zombies, every one else and get through the map. DOWNLOAD thoes r just a few photos of the maze. the box one is the hardest. there is 3 on top and 3 on bottem. and yes this map is possible, and no one tell me "need to interlock" cuz i didnt know how when this was made. HAVE FUN !!!!
hey i played this with kayaman like 2 months ago and he said he improved on a map called fear something. i'm not implying you stole the map, i'm just saying it looks a lot like it edith its your version
Yeah I've seen this map soooo many times, but at least you made your own design and didn't steal someone elses. I think it plays best on a gametype called fat kid it's floating around Halo 3 Live, Im sure you'll find it.
this has been done many times but one suggestion is to take the pictures in custom games, not during forge, it makes teh pictures lack something when your monitors in the screen
I love Journey maps there so fun when your yeeling at the people to move the stuff so they could go this has a lot of fun i could play this map for 3 hrs straight
me and my firend made it. i know there is lots o maps like this. and the fat guy thing is fatty cant run which is a infection game type
All this is Omega Journey 3 or whatever number it is. All i see different in those pictures is a soccer ball. Good job stealing the map.
I'm gonna have to agree completely here, I've played this a long time ago, nothing is different, and if it is, point that out in your pictures, don't just take pictures of whats the same. I do believe you stole this map.
I have played this before and it is FREAKIN' AWESOME, but don't be the fool who stays behind to take out the zombies, they will get you
this is one of the most commonly played m aps on halo im pretty sure you didn't make it. there are about 100 different names for it so don't take credit for it if you really didn't make it.
ok, how many people have ripped off this guys map? ive seen these 100 times, and i forget the original creators name