I heard people talking about making sound effects in Halo: Reach and i would like to know how to do that. When possible, make a map where all sound effects you know are in so i can download it and use them.
You cannot add sound effects to your map via forge's editor. The only way to get sounds into your map would be to build you map near something on Forge World that makes noise, or place things hidden from view in your map that make noise as well (ex. placing a landmine behind a wall so there is a beeping sound near you, or possibly an explosion.) Other than that, you are pretty much out of luck, unless I may have missed some awesome new feature.
Yeah, well that's as simple as setting objects into your map that make the different noises you want. Just make sure that if the objects are just there for the sounds they make, that they are hidden from view so the game engine does not have to render them. Also, don't go to crazy with the explosions, they tend to cause lag when a lot of them are in one area. I know it has to do with the engine having to render the explosions but I do not know if the audio playing can cause some lag as well. So test some things out and see what you can come up with.
The fusion coils have a nice hum to them. =D And forge world does have its own innate sound effects, if you sit still in a blank version long enough youll start to hear mortar type explosions... or maybe its all in my head.
You are correct, there are mortar explosions. It comes from the Building on the side of the mountain. There are other ambient noises as well. The waterfall is loud though. I would def. not want to listen to that thing for an extended amount of time.
Also the waterfall seems to add in a great deal of FPS lag, I avoid building there at any cost. PS, has anyone else noticed that the large building on Forge World is just upscaled forge pieces? Like an upside down antenna small. hah
I do believe there is a post about the FPS lag due to different objects and they mentioned that the waterfall itself isn't the cause, but having to render the animation when there are a lot of other objects in the view of the player. If you were to block the waterfall from sight completely then you would not have to worry about it so much. Also, limiting the objects that are rendered to the player in general will help as well. If even the slightest part of the object(s) is viewable, the whole things is being rendered.