Yo what's up guys? It's Haunted Crusade again with another amazing map! If You didn't like my first map, "The Abandoned Mall" which can be found on the casual map list as well, then don't worry. This map is WAAYY better. Perhaps you've heard of...Ghostbusters? Good! This is the ultimate map for said gametype. Me and my buddies played it all the time on Halo 3. Once Halo Reach came out, I knew that I just had to remake this map for us to enjoy. But I thought carefully. Why keep this between me and my friends, when I can share it with everyone, right? Anyway enough with the small talk. Let's get down to buisness. "You Know You Want Some Of This" _____________________________________________________________________ Hide and Seek Town is a map for the GhostBusters gametype. Basically, one guy spawns as a ghostbuster and everyone else is a ghost. Once the ghostbuster kills a ghost, he comes back to life as another ghostbuster to help aid in the resistance! Ghostbuster will have a vast array of weapons to choose from but don't forget, bigger ain't always better. The Ghosts only get a plasma pistol and can only assassinate the ghostbusters, but can jump super high, have low gravity, and can run really fast. They also can use vehicles (pretend it's like a real ghost haunting). The plasma pistols given to them are suppose to help stop ghostbuster vehicles. The round will end when everyone has become a ghostbuster or the time runs out. Now for some images and info! ______________________________________________________________________ This is where the ghostbuster will initially spawn. It is the weapon room and has many weapons incluidng: Assasult Rifle x1, DMR x1, Shotgun x1, Sniper x1, Spartan Laser x1, Rocket Launcher x1, Fuel Rod x1, Gravity Hammer x1, Grenade launcher x1, Magnum x1 Energy Sword x1, Focus Rifle x1, Plasma Repeater x1, Frag Grenades x4 Plasma grenades x4, All armor abilities, and a plasma turrent ______________________________________________________________________ This is the bedroom, which is on the opposite side of the map. After taking a nice long nap, you will always feel the need to eliminate those pesky ghosts! Why not take a nice hot shower while you're at it? Very relaxing. Well...everyone's gotta go sometime, right? ______________________________________________________________________ Need a ride? Come to the Vehicle Depot! Watch out for those pesky ghosts and their plasma pistols! ______________________________________________________________________ Basic Views of the Map ______________________________________________________________________ Hmm...What's this? A secret (but not so secret and easy to find) room? WOW! _____________________________________________________________________ Okay! That's what i got to offer for you this time guys! I appreciate feedback, please let me know what you think! (Believe it or not your opinion counts!) "Think you can keep up?" ^_^
I played ghost busters in H3, I'm confused as to how this would work now bungie took a massive **** on camo?
One iiSane Kid - Camos When you play the gametype, it doesn't use the armor ability camo, it uses the custom good camo, which makes you completely invisible when standing still and only slightly ( AND I DO MEAN SLIGHTLY!) when you move...you become visible when you shoot or attempt to assassinate someone