Fantastic halo 3 remake, very accurate and well forged. I was wanting to be the first to make this map but i'm too lazy,well done
Goodness It's been so long since I've been on this site. Ahh so different. Anyhow excellent map. I am a huge fan of remakes and I've seen many halo 3 remakes and this is by far one of the better ones. I can see that some things aren't exactly to scale with Halo 3's Epitaph but this being Halo Reach that may work towards its advantage. I wish I could forge this good. Once again this is a great map..... also Epitaph was a fun level to play on too.
things are not as scaled such as in Halo3, such as the camo platform and pillar to stand on by the rockets, but you used the best-fitting reach peices to use less space so its understandable. I wonder if the gameplay is as fun as it was in Halo3
I never really liked Epitaph; however, this map looks good. Can we get a better look at gold lift? Also, and it could be just me, but it seems like shotgun catwlak is a bit too straight.
im making an epitaph remake as well and it is hard! all i have left is the inclines and 300 bucks. so yours is really good with the budget and personally the second best (thats bias cause im counting mine). anyway as for constructive critisism i think your grav lifts could use alot of work and could be more acurate to the real thing good job though