The Tether - G7117

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by grizdog, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. grizdog

    grizdog Forerunner

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    Battle Vertically against your opponents to achieve your objective!

    The Tether was designed to create a combat environment that required vertical movement, rather than horizontal movement, across the map.

    This map features one large tower with two smaller perches, which have been strategically placed to allow sniping the large tower in the center. These smaller locations can also engage one another in snipe-style battle.

    Shield elevators and shield "trampolines" are used to travel between the several levels of the main tower.

    Crazy King matches are particularly hectic on this map!!

    Enjoy! And please provide me with feedback of your experience so that I might use it to enhance this map further.

    Thank you!





    #1 grizdog, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  2. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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    how about picutes inside of the tower, i will DL but you need some more pictures
  3. grizdog

    grizdog Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I plan to get some more pics the next time I play on this map with a decent sized party. I'll update it soon.
  4. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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    When I played it, ther was no way down to the botom of the tower. The spawning was bad, i respawned on the whole other side of the map, I dont see how this is a competitive map, you shouldve put this in Aesthetics or something...
  5. grizdog

    grizdog Forerunner

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    Map Updates

    It is meant to be playable. I will look into this issue right away.

    I hadn't experienced this problem. Were you playing a team game or a non-team game? I had only played it with teams, but could have forgotten re-spawn points for neutral players. I will check this out and see if I can make the correction. Then I'll update the link to the download for the updated map.

    This is the kind of input I need for my maps. I don't get much opportunity to test them myself with others, so this is really vital to me. Thank you!

    Also, the map was designed so that you would not be allowed to go to the ground. The whole map is either on the main tower or in one of the satellite locations outside the tower, which can be reached via teleporters located at the top and bottom of the main tower.

    And just to clarify, to go down, you must jump out the side where the glass cover is, and below there is a shield to land on that will prevent you from taking damage from the fall.

    Set up a team game and try it again. I will look into the spawning issue you spoke of.

    Edited by merge:

    I've corrected the spawning issue. Apparently I had neglected to add neutral spawn points. My bad. I didn't notice the oversight when I played the map with friends, since we were playing team-based games.

    I have updated the download link to the updated map.

    I've also added more screen pics here to help illustrate how to move about the map and how things are laid out.













    #5 grizdog, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010

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