Remake Pillar of Automn *BRIDGE*

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Digestedjomama, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. Digestedjomama

    Digestedjomama Forerunner

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    here is a full remake of the pillar of autumns bridge to the best scale and detail i could manage.i really got nothing to say about this map ,but the great aesthetic it uses.Here are the pic i tried to compare it with the real poa bridge but it tock me to long to do it so i just gave up :([​IMG][/IMG]the front part

    [​IMG][/IMG]the walk way

    These are the computer controls, set back into the walls

    Heres the pit

    [mouseoverimage=][*/mouseoverimage] [​IMG][/IMG]
    Heres the entrance to the sorta lobby area outside.Im really happy how the doors look compared to the real ones

    The corridor leading to the bridge. Again i wish i couldve done the doorways. This is where the map ends, ive sealed it off with a sort of blast door thing i hope it looks like.

    There is a point to all this apart from aesthetic maddness. It works very well as a small FFA map. For SLAYER, KING OF THE HILL, ODD BALL and JUGGERNAUGHT.
    NEW LINK THIS 1 WORKS!!!!!!!
    #1 Digestedjomama, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  2. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice, i think i like the little covies where the computer terminals are, they're pretty nice. I think it'd work better as an aesthetic though. It looks really well forged though. Props.
  3. Digestedjomama

    Digestedjomama Forerunner

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    If u guys have any ideas 4 the computers cuzz i didnt really make any because i did not know how to make them lol MSG ME ASAP!

    #3 Digestedjomama, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010

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