I'm looking to create a map specifically designed as an obstacle course. Well, 2 maps actually. One for jetpacking only, and the other combining the uses of equipment. I've tried a few strategies to implement such a thing and am always short on making what I want. The problem I encounter is that I cannot make a race map without the use of a vehicle. Now I figured I could just turn that option off on the player, but the players is spawned back onto his/her designated vehicle, and it's literally driving me crazy (pun intended)! Has anybody found a way around this setback? Also, I apologize if this is a question brought up once before.
you can set it up for other things, but not race. put an oddball at the end. and if you want checkpoints, set teleporters that are blocked with fusion coils set to never respawn, and when you get to that spot you can unblock the receiver and than when you die, you can access that.
Awesome I see how that can work. The player will just have to remember how many teleporters they have passed. It does require a bit more work then planned... but I guess it'll have to do. Thanks xWooden leafx!
Why not set the game type to territories? I am not sure how many territories you can place but I have seen it used before and it may work well for you situation if you can place enough of the territories on the map.
Max 5. @OP: Give each area a color, place objects of that color near the respective teleporters. Avoid Red and Blue as those seem to glitch in some team gametypes.